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  1. I did as such and you were right, the problem stopped showing itself. Here's a link to my test craft file, if it's of any use to you. Made sure to stick to stock parts besides RemoteTech and MechJeb. Crashnburn sounds like he may be on to something there as well, I'll have to keep an eye on the thread. First time linking form dropbox, sorry if I've messed it up. https://www.dropbox.com/s/b0lgdm2fhllcb9z/aktest1.craft
  2. Tried this out, but it didn't help at all. I have experienced the ASAS from decouple issue before, but that prevented me from moving the satellite entirely until I did as you mentioned, went to the tracking station and back. Unfortunately it doesn't appear to be the same issue with MechJeb. I'll give it a try tonight with some RCS on the satellite and see what happens.
  3. I might be missing something but I can't seem to get MechJeb to work at all with remote controlled satellites. I have the remote capsule, an antenna, RemoteSAS and have tried various MechJeb modules. I have the MJ interface, but it seems to be unable to perform any attitude control where I can manually perform attitude control just fine. It can, however, perform thrust control if I manually adjust my attitude to where it wants to be. I've also tried adding an ASAS in case MechJeb won't use RemoteSAS but that yielded nothing. Is this expected currently, or am I doing something wrong perhaps? Searching around seems to indicate it should work as long as the pre-requisites for vehicle control exist (LOS or bounced path to KSP), but perhaps I've misinterpreted.
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