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Everything posted by Michionlion

  1. Long-time lurker here. I figured I'd finally stop stalling and actually make something with KSP for once; So, here we go! Better Than Starting Manned is a total rework of Kerbal Space Program. I'll be cataloguing every single mission I undertake, success or failure, and then posting them to youtube. The logs will vary in length, from about 2 minutes all the way up to multi-part odysseys. We'll be progressing at about a mission a day, depending on various factors. I may also live-stream some of the later, longer missions as well as record them. So, without further ado, join me on a journey to discover new technology, pioneer new planets, and reach for the stars! Mod List: BTSM: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/61632 DeadlyReenty: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/54954 PreciseNode: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/47863 Chatterer: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/92324 Kerbal Engineer: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/18230 Trajectories: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/93685 Embedded below is log 001. This is the very first mission conducted, and, well, it didn't quite go as planned. All further missions are in this , although I may post updates here when I upload them.Thanks for Watching!
  2. I've seen some things like this on Youtube, but that is mostly because the basic design is so simple... 4 VTOLS and wings.
  3. First line of the post is 'Needs B9 Aerospace'. Will throw something in the title though. Also notice the [Mod Craft] prefix.
  4. Needs B9 Aerospace. Spaceport Cruising altitude is between 20 and 25 km, can reach Mach 6 easily. At altitude: After my first test flight, I decided to try and go for an orbit. I was able to boost my apoapsis to 431.5 km, although my periapsis was still inside the atmosphere. I'm currently working on getting this payload-ready, as it would definitely be able to get small satellites to orbit. Here is an imgur album of some other pictures, and here is the craft file. Any suggestions or critiques would be appreciated.
  5. I'm trying to redownload (so i can update), but the installer keeps saying that it isn't a valid win-32 application. (i have a windows 64 bit though) help?
  6. This. Is. Amazing. I can't express my joy for something like this to actually be made. And to be one of the first to discover it on youtube = priceless. AWESOME!!!
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