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  1. Really cool mod. I'm really impressed with the resource management of the reactors. How the reactors spool up and down in response to demand. It makes it an interesting choice to balance "average load" verse "peak load" on a space station/ship. If I'm not out of place, could I suggest making the "science rate" of Kerbin zero at the ground and have it go up as you go higher? I realize that its a sandbox and that you only cheat yourself, but currently the easiest way to accumulate science was (for me) to make two craft that never leave the KSC. The first is a "temporary university" that stays on the launch pad, with as many non-dumb kerbals in labs. They provide the initial science generation. Secondly, I make a rover with mainframes, a lab and a reactor. I drive it off the runway and put it in a safe corner. My initial science will go into upgrading the mainframes. Once I have enough of the mainframes upgrades that I'm happy with the rate, I can recover the "temporary university" that never left the launchpad. Spend some time, and then you have all the science that you could want.
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