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Everything posted by Wakey

  1. So... I'm gonna need some help here I remember that in the RT1 you just had to point a long range dish toward Kerbin in order to connect to the satellite network there. Is that not how it works anymore? I got 4 satellites orbiting Kerbin. They're always in contact with the "base" (Whatever you call it? Mission Control?) via an omni connection. They all got a long range dish set to active vessel. But when I send anything outside the satellites' omni range I loose connection. Even with a long range dish targeted at Kerbin. It'll only connect when there's a direct line to the base. What exactly am I doing wrong here? Sorry if this have already been answered. But the topic post wasn't to much help and 229 pages are a lot to read through
  2. Having the same problem as KOCOUR. Also the dishes doesn't seem to work at all. First time I'm trying this mod so I might not fully understand how it is supposed to work (And I'm aware that its a bad time to try it) But I got a dish around Mun pointing toward Kerbin and a couple of dishes around Kerbin all pointed toward Mun (Those that can see it)... Yet the satellite around Mun can't get a connection.
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