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Everything posted by Aburk12

  1. So, does anyone know how to add modular multiwheels functionality to other wheels?
  2. I'm gonna guess by the title a plugin that makes kerbals follow another one when you are in EVA. But that's a just a wild guess.
  3. Nevermind, found it, was not finished, and was checking the wrong area of the forum... Oops. Oh well, some day, I hope it will be done, because I don't know how to code! Linky:http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/showthread.php/28044-WIP-Analytical-RCS-thrust-balancing
  4. I remember seeing a plugin somewhere, I believe on the forums, but don't quote me on that, which allow your RCS thrusters to change it's thrust dynamically (I think) and allow you to make more accurate manuevers. (i.e. when you try translating, it doesn't end up rotating you too, and vice versa) Anyone know of a mod like this, or am I making up things?
  5. Actually, I found that Edtools worked for me... I don't know how, but it does.
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