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John F. Kerman

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Posts posted by John F. Kerman

  1. Hey all,

    Apologies if this isn't the right place to post this, but I thought a forum full of space geeks might be interested in this. Plus, I'd really like to see this succeed (after all, a potato salad can make 50k, is there no justice in the world?)

    In a nutshell, they're sending cameras 30km up & then turning the journey into an Oculus Rift experience (and other platforms, for those of us not fortunate enough to own a Rift yet)


    They have 3 days left and are currently about £2000 short of their goal.


  2. Well, if someone does, I have a couple of feature requests:

    The 10kb limit on the craft harddrive is too low for what I want to do - after browsing the github sources it seems this is a hardcoded value & should be simple enough to change.. but: is it an arbitrary limit or is there a reason for this? If it's arbitrary, it'd be nice to have this as a setting in the part files (you could keep the 10k limit for the 'stock' computer & have additional parts with more space). I'd make this change myself if I knew anything about the part file formats...

    Support for commandline arguments would be useful as well (simple DOS batch script style %1, %2 etc would be fine). For example, "run hover <altitude>." to run a script that makes a craft hover at <altitude>. I can work around this by using ag1/ag2 to increment / decrement a variable but it's just more code space that could be used for more important things.

    Oh, and here's a work in progress script that might help people out. (this one is over the 10k limit, but you can delete the animation stuff to run it). Disclaimer: Most of the actual hovering stuff isn't working yet, and I can't remember if this version has the correct mass / acceleration calculations or not :)

    print " =============================================== " at (0,0).
    print "| Hover Testbed v0.1 |" at (0,1).
    print " =============================================== " at (0,2).
    print "| |" at (0,3).
    print "| Speed : |" at (0,4).
    print "| Altitude : |" at (0,5).
    print "| VertSpeed : |" at (0,6).
    print "| Direction : |" at (0,7).
    print "| ProG : |" at (0,8).
    print "| RetroG : |" at (0,9).
    print "| Mass : |" at (0,10).
    print "| Thrust : |" at (0,11).
    print "| Throttle : |" at (0,12).
    print "| TWR : |" at (0,13).
    print "| |" at (0,14).
    print "| |" at (0,15).
    print "| Mode: |" at (0,16).
    print "| Target Height: |" at (0,17).
    print "| |" at (0,18).
    print "| Hovering over |" at (0,19).
    print " =============================================== " at (0,20).
    print "= +==+ +==========+ =" at (0,21).
    print "= | | | | =" at (0,22).
    print "= +==+ | | =" at (0,23).
    print "= | (: | =" at (0,24).
    print "= +==========+ =" at (0,25).
    print "= =" at (0,26).
    print "= 1 - Increase Target Height =" at (0,27).
    print "= 2 - Decrease Target Height =" at (0,28).
    print "= 3 - Change Mode =" at (0,29).
    print "= 4 - Animation test =" at (0,30).
    print "= 5 - End Testbed =" at (0,31).
    print "= ==================== ====================== =" at (0,32).
    print "= ActionPress: . = = =" at (0,33).
    print "= = =" at (0,34).
    print " =============================================== " at (0,35).

    print body at (16,19).
    set targetheight to 0. print targetheight + "m " at (16,17).

    set done to false.
    set actionPressed to 0.
    set keypressed to false.
    set frameupdate to 0.
    set framerate to 2.
    set animframe to 0.
    set mode to 0.

    lock surfaceVec to velocity:surface.
    lock speedx to (surfaceVec:x * surfaceVec:x).
    lock speedy to (surfaceVec:y * surfaceVec:y).
    lock speedz to (surfaceVec:z * surfaceVec:z).
    set speed to sqrt(speedx + speedy + speedz).
    lock height to altitude.

    lock vertSpeed to verticalspeed.
    lock craftDir to steering.

    set tbThrottle to 0.
    lock throttle to tbThrottle.
    set animate to false.

    set speedLastFrame to speed.
    set heightLastFrame to height.
    set ascending to false.
    set timeLastFrame to 0.
    set acceleration to 0.

    until done
    set deltaTime to time - timeLastFrame.

    set speed to sqrt(speedx + speedy + speedz).

    set deltaHeight to height - heightLastFrame.
    if deltaHeight < 0
    set speed to 0 - speed.

    set deltaSpeed to speed - speedLastFrame.
    set speedLastFrame to speed.

    if deltaTime > 0
    set acceleration to deltaSpeed / deltaTime.

    print speed + " " at (13,4).
    print height + " " at(13,5).
    print vertSpeed + " " at (13,6).
    print craftDir + " " at(13,7).
    print prograde + " " at(13,8).
    print retrograde + " " at(13,9).
    print mass + " " at (13,10).
    print maxthrust + " " at (13,11).
    print tbThrottle + " " at (13,12).
    print maxthrust / (mass * 1000) + " " at (13,13).
    print time + " " at (13,14).
    print acceleration + " " at (13,14).

    if (mode = 0)
    print "Basic " at (7,16).
    if targetheight > height
    set tbThrottle to 1.

    if targetheight < height
    set tbThrottle to 0.

    if (mode = 1)
    print "Not implemented " at (7,16).

    if (mode = 2)
    print "Not implemented " at (7,16).

    set speedLastFrame to speed.
    set heightLastFrame to height.

    if animate
    if animframe = 0
    print "| Animation test === === === |" at (0,16).
    print "| = = = = = = = = = =|" at (0,17).
    print "|= = = = = = = = = = =|" at (0,18).
    print "| == == == === === |" at (0,19).

    if animframe = 1
    print "| Animation test= == === === |" at (0,16).
    print "|= = = = = = = = = = |" at (0,17).
    print "| = = = = = = = = = = = |" at (0,18).
    print "| == == == === === =|" at (0,19).

    if animframe = 2
    print "|=Animation test== = === === |" at (0,16).
    print "| = = = = = = = = = = |" at (0,17).
    print "| = = = = = = = = = = |" at (0,18).
    print "| == == == === === ==|" at (0,19).

    if animframe = 3
    print "|=Animation test == === === |" at (0,16).
    print "| = = = = = = = = = = |" at (0,17).
    print "| = = = = = = = = = = |" at (0,18).
    print "| == == = === === ===|" at (0,19).

    if animframe = 4
    print "| Animation test == === === |" at (0,16).
    print "|= = = = = = = = = = =|" at (0,17).
    print "| = = = = = = = = = =|" at (0,18).
    print "| == == === === === |" at (0,19).

    if animframe = 5
    print "| Animation test == === === =|" at (0,16).
    print "| = = = = = = = = = = = |" at (0,17).
    print "|= = = = = = = = = = |" at (0,18).
    print "| == == == === === |" at (0,19).

    if animframe = 6
    print "| Animation test == === === ==|" at (0,16).
    print "| = = = = = = = = = = |" at (0,17).
    print "| = = = = = = = = = = |" at (0,18).
    print "|= == == = === === |" at (0,19).

    if animframe = 7
    print "| Animation test = === === ===|" at (0,16).
    print "| = = = = = = = = = = |" at (0,17).
    print "| = = = = = = = = = = |" at (0,18).
    print "|== == == === === |" at (0,19).

    if animframe = 8
    print "| Animation test === === === |" at (0,16).
    print "| = = = = = = = = = =|" at (0,17).
    print "|= = = = = = = = = = =|" at (0,18).
    print "| == == == === === |" at (0,19).
    set animframe to 0.

    print " " at (15,33).

    if ag1
    print "1" at (15,33).
    set actionPressed to 1.
    set ag1 to false.
    set keypressed to true.

    if ag2
    print "2" at (15,33).
    set actionPressed to 2.
    set ag2 to false.
    set keypressed to true.

    if ag3
    print "3" at (15,33).
    set actionPressed to 3.
    set ag3 to false.
    set keypressed to true.

    if ag4
    print "4" at (15,33).
    set actionPressed to 4.
    set ag4 to false.
    set keypressed to true.

    if ag5
    print "5" at (15,33).
    set actionPressed to 5.
    set ag5 to false.
    set keypressed to true.

    if keypressed
    if actionPressed = 5
    set done to true.

    if (actionPressed = 1)
    set targetheight to targetheight + 50.
    if targetheight > 1000
    set targetheight to 1000.

    print targetheight + "m " at (16,17).

    if (actionPressed = 2)
    set targetheight to targetheight - 50.
    if targetheight < 0
    set targetheight to 0.
    print targetheight + "m " at (16,17).

    if (actionPressed = 3)
    set mode to mode + 1.
    if mode = 3
    set mode to 0.

    if (actionPressed = 4)
    if animate
    print "| Mode: |" at (0,16).
    print "| Target Height: |" at (0,17).
    print "| |" at (0,18).
    print "| Hovering over |" at (0,19).

    toggle animate.

    set actionpressed to 0.
    set keypressed to false.

    if frameupdate = framerate
    set frameupdate to 0.
    set animframe to animframe + 1.

    set frameupdate to frameupdate + 1.
    set timeLastFrame to time.

  3. Hi,

    I thought I'd try out this mod for the first time tonight.

    Everything seems to be installed correctly but when I type any command into the terminal nothing happens - e.g. print "hello world" (or PRINT "hello world"), or edit "file". The only output I get is by typing "." which gives me a syntax error.

    What am I doing wrong?

    edit: I get the same thing on 2 different craft: One that uses the RemoteTech2 & procedural fairings plugins, and another that is just kOS plus a stock booster & cockpit in case the other plugins were interfering with kOS.

  4. Thanks for the replies so far, I will try these out. I thought one ASAS module on the upper stage was enough for the whole craft though?

    From what I can see, you're using the non-gimbaling motors on the 2nd stage. That might be part of your spinning problem. You can add some canards/fins to the 2nd stage to help between 16-30,000m, but after that you'll need at least two thrust vectoring engines to control roll.

    Yes, I'm using 4 non-gimbaling LFEs (plus the upper boosters) from about 10,000m until I'm nearly in orbit. I have a single gimbaling LFE in the centre which is fired a bit later on. I'm not entirely sure where to fit a second to be honest as the others are using symmetry.


    The fuel tank between the DEMV & the lander used to be a structural fuselage but then I saw that LF tanks are a bit lighter when empty.


    Despite what raven has already said: The bigger' date=' the more unstable. Simple rule. You don´t need all that fuel and boosters to send that cart to laythe. The smaller spaceplane i got too laythe and back was less than 60 parts and, apart from the small drop fuel tanks on wings, single stage only.


    Yeah, I don't usually go for a design as large as this but I fancied a challenge, and I think it still has potential. Unfortunately, I'm rubbish at making spaceplanes.

  5. screenshot98n.png

    I'm trying to land on Jool's moons with this - the "best" design I've made so far (i.e. probably still terrible), but it's a real handful to fly. (I don't use mechjeb)

    It's possible to get a decent orbit with practice, but the spin in the upper atmosphere is pretty annoying. Explosions aren't uncommon either.

    I'm trying to improve the launch handling, and I'm not sure the nuclear / landing stage is all that efficient.

    I think this only needs the DEMV addon, but I may have stuck some probodobodyne / remote tech / fixed camera / aviation light stuff on there as well. MkIV is the original version for reference.

    Thanks for reading / trying it out :)

  6. It was alright I guess, I smiled, but not the funniest example of the meme I've come across.

    The point of the parody is to use shall we say, shoddily made, dull subject matter -type games. I don't think KSP has that kind of image, at least I hope not.

    Anyway unless it's better than the farming simulator one (disclaimer if you go searching for it: adult themes!) I doubt it'll catch on.

  7. I've had uncontrollable roll with rockets like you've built as well. The upper stages are fine but by the time I've jettisonned the lower stages it's usually too late & I've wasted too much fuel trying to sort it out. Adding canards and turning off ASAS during the initial launch stages worked for me (most of my craft are top-heavy, and (A)SAS just shakes things around too much)

  8. If you haven't already, practice landing on kerbin/earth (start small, from say 50m off the ground, and then work your way up to orbit).

    It's a little harder but once you've got the hang of it you'll find landing on the Mun far easier.

    It's also handy for testing your lander, you don't want to be finding out the engine's on backwards when you're on your final descent :blush:

  9. Here's a cart lander / general transport vehicle I made in 0.16 (needs the remote control, cart & probodobodyne mods). I assume you're using 0.16 - the cart mod isn't working in the new version for me.

    It will land 4 remote relay controlled carts on the Mun or Minmus with enough fuel for reaching multiple landing sites. You could probably land more, the limiting factor was size rather than weight as the carts are quite light.

    0.16 - [ATTACH]33754[/ATTACH]

    That said, since 0.17 a lot of my old designs can't even make it into orbit any more, so I dunno if this is actually any good :P might be useful for reference though.

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