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Posts posted by vrga

  1. it is normally better with c# to do a case insensitive match rather than doing two .ToLower()

    String.Equals(string1, string2, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase);

    that prevents c# from adding the two new strings to the immutable store and also works better for localization

    its irrelevant for this case, since we only want the lowercase letter, because unity differentiates between these when it comes to key binding...

    [edit] Pull request

  2. That's really bad form. Asking for donations, or even being willing to accept donations, for creating parts in an indie game that's still in beta, really? Anyone who thinks that's appropriate in any way really has poor etiquette.

    considering i plan to release all my models under a license that is basically "do whatever you want with my models and textures as long as you credit me", no, it is not.

    i do not attach any monetary value to the models.

  3. Issue with the tiltrotor hinge. The outer hinge is a PITA to attach to, and the connections are HIGHLY unstable, resulting in flopping connections and explosions.
    yup. usually when its on the default "rotation" as you've set in the SPH, they drop once the game engages physics, but get up to the place when rotated a bit. which usually jerks my plane around like mad.
  4. I think you should not use smooth shading for the decouples. I don't know how they are represented in Unity, but in blender you need to change it to solid over in the T panel.

    Cinema4D's fbx exporter nommed the smoothgroups unfortunately. will figure something out eventually...

    But its not big on the list of "to fix" things, since its the only one so far :P

    btw, elpucko, hvala :D

  5. This mod will never be updated, nor will there be downloads. Thank you all for looking at it :)

    Hello folks, i'm a bit of a newbie here on the forums and in general to KSP modding, but, motivated by lack of landing gears of decent ground clearance, i embarked on an effort to create new, bigger ones. With OPTIONS! :D

    This is just the first model, i've gotten it ingame currently, but i have no idea what do i have to set up in unity to get it to lower/raise gears or to even spin as wheels do.

    Also, as a side-joy, i get the lovely message of: "WheelCollider requires an attached Rigidbody to function." from the output_log.txt, when the game is loading the model. It might just be me having the utterly wrong hierarchy for what is actually needed.

    Any input you folks could give me on this front would be greatly appreciated.

    Some of you've probably seen pecenipicek on IRC posting pictures/vids to this, and that is my other nickname.

    Now, as for future plans go, here's what Hyratel had to say as good options for future landing gears, all of which i plan to create relatively soon:

    • Fixed landing gears
    • Gears that end up flush with the fuselage/part where they are attached when raised
    • Tail landing skid
    • Fat landing wheels

    Granted, this is will all probably be modelled and textured before i manage to figure out how to make them proper gears in-game.

    The model weighs in at 956 triangles and the source texture are made in 20482

    In any case, cheers and i can barely wait for your comments, folks :)

  6. yup. its kinda like this:

    You can get into space in two ways.

    One involves just going "To hell with you gravity, drag and the rest! I SHALL PIERCE THE HEAVE- ATMOSPHERE WITH MY MIGHTY DRIL- ROCKET!"

    The other involves "Lets go sneakily through and then lets just escape with gravity barely noticing."

    I look at it as Gork vs Mork, for anyone familiar with 40k, since this game is perfect for improvisational spaceship building. And kerbals might just be green enough to pass as orks :P

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