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Everything posted by trifinity

  1. Well, I got close, an explosion and mostly upright lift off. Figured I\'d go ahead and post to set the bar if nothing else. After the first twenty seconds it\'s me just messing around.
  2. Yeah, well, that was after a bit of experimentation, it seems like no matter what edits I did, for this challenge that sort of craft is best, any less liquid fuel and it doesn't have enough of a burn to get past 170km in three minutes, any more and it accelerates too slowly. Also that seems to be the right amount of boosters as well, any more and it just gets too unstable while they're active. I JUST got an idea that might get me more altitude, however, we'll see. The big issue with that craft is it wants to drift so much during flight, but again, SAS modules will weigh it down and reduce acceleration too much so you just need to be twitchy with the controls.
  3. Here's my entry, I assumed 3 minute flight time so I delayed it to 0:05 to 3:05, quality on the video is a bit poor so I have a screenshot of the craft and at the pause. If people are really picky about time they can use the time remaining slider to see if I did 3 minutes or not. Spacecraft - Tri-coupler with 2 liquid fuel and engine X3, 3 radial decouplers on each section holding a solid booster each. End of flight - 197,909 video
  4. nicely played sofa, great throttle control. And I meant it when I said any parts allowed, think of this less of a challenge and more just something for fun. You can make it as easy or as difficult for yourself as you want. Honestly, I'm tempted to try this with the brick if it wasn't for the fact stages are bugging out to the nightmarish degree for me right now.
  5. Heya, Here's a fun little challenge I've thought of for our flyboys here, take a rocket, any rocket, and land it on the hanger, Vehicle assembly building, whatever you want to call it. Any and all parts are free to use, rocket can be as complex or simplistic as possible, anything goes aside from- Jeb can not be scared, he's the prankster here but despite what some might think he's not stupid enough to do anything too reckless, so he can be either smiling in evil glee or putting in a mock-serious face to throw off suspicion. No parachutes, while it's fine to have parachutes on the craft, NONE of them can be deployed Must be at a dead stop, fully landed, no thrusters active, you know the drill. Post a screenshot, have some fun with this one, the only reward is hopefully some laughs, so don't fret if someone's using a hacked craft or the like. ^.^ Bonus points if your craft can safely take off again after landing. Here's my example picture, a craft built just for this one task, I unfortunately lost two thrusters in the landing but oh well.
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