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    Space Monkey

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  1. I call it the Chute Tester2 it uses custom parts from Capt Slugs Radial Booster pack
  2. But wait! Theres More! now for the low low price of nada zip nothing if you order now we\'ll throw in this complementary YouTube video of the MK101 in action at our elite 'Wait that worked?' laboratory!
  3. yeah, I havent accidently killed a kerbal with it yet.
  4. I didnt describe it very well, the default chute, releases around 30k and then deploys at around 500-700feet. when a chute releases it will add a small amount of drag slowing down your pod, then when it deploys it\'s drag increases to the max drag this chute releases AND deploys at ~400-500 feet.
  5. Mk101 H.A.L.O. Parachute The Mk101 High Altitude Low Open Parachute was 'procured' from a local surplus store for a rock bottom price. Made from bottom of the line fibers and a hand made altimeter the H.A.L.O. parachute will wait till the last minute before deployment to prolong that 'I can taste my lunch' feeling all the way to the surface. http://www./?yc52rv2im2aidmz This is just a modified version of the basic parachute designed to deploy and open ~400 feet. my first attempt at a mod =) UPDATE: But wait! Theres More! now for the low low price of nada zip nothing if you order now we\'ll throw in this complementary YouTube video of the MK101 in action at our elite 'Wait that worked?' laboratory!
  6. Today sir, you live up to your namesake. I greatly look forward to pocking the landscape with these parts.
  7. Looks impressive. I'd love to see it in a variety of sizes to fit the different design temperments
  8. I'm anxiously awaiting a look at the finished product. 8)
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