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Posts posted by Konryou

  1. Thanks ever so much, but could you make the SPH bigger? For some reason that part of the mod does not seem to be working.

    The SPH should be scaled up about twice normal size, can you confirm that it is the same size with and without the mod? I laid the Rockomax Jumbo fuel tanks end to end to 'measure' to confirm this locally.

    I only had the one DLL installed. I tried on a clean copy of KSP 0.20 and experienced the same issues. However, when I downloaded and installed the new version you just released, all of the issues I was having previously are gone. Things are working perfectly now. Thanks!

    Very happy to hear that. :)

  2. I've just tried this and all i get for symmetry and snap angle are blank circles. not a show stopper, but it can get a little frustrating when trying to place parts at a specific angle and have no idea what angle you're on

    Different window resolutions, it turns out, did not work with the method I used to place the text. If this was what caused your issue, it should be fixed in the updated version in the original post. It has been tested locally using 1366x768, 1360x768, 1280x768, 1280x720 and 1024x720.

    If you right-click on the circle, i managed to make it go back to numbers. I did find that, when I tried to toggle symmetry modes, it showed both toggle messages, albeit superimposed on top of each other. It acted as if the toggle key had been hit twice at the same time and the mode didn't change.

    My first thought is that this could be caused by a conflict between Editor Tools and a previous version (since the previous mod's dll was named EdTools, simply copying the dll for the updated plugin, EditorTools, would not overwrite the older version). Can you confirm that there is no EdTools.dll in your Plugins folder?

    Any chance you can update the original post to include information about what exactly this tool does?

    I've added additional information in the original post. Thank you. :)

    I can confirm that this update does not seem to function. The symmetry circles are blank, there is double text showing up when you try to change options and vertical snap does not work at all. It sort of snaps to various degrees around, but it doesn't seem to be as exact or have as many options as the 0.19 version. The thing I'm really missing is the vertical snap though.

    Sorry for the issues you're experiencing. I've made a further update that may resolve the symmetry circle issues (see above for reason, if you're interested).

    For the 'double text', my first thought, as stated above, is that this could be caused by a conflict between Editor Tools and a previous version (since the previous mod's dll was named EdTools, simply copying the dll for the updated plugin, EditorTools, would not overwrite the older version). Can you confirm that there is no EdTools.dll in your Plugins folder?

    For vertical snap to work, you must also have angle snap enabled as far as I can tell. If vertical snap is nonfunctional and you have confirmed that angle snap is enabled, then please let me know.

  3. The thread concerning EdTools (originally by deadbeef) seems to be lost, and most information about it and any modifications to it are spread throughout the forum so I made this one. There were a few issues with the mod in 0.20 concerning the angle-snap behavior and one or two aesthetic details that needed to be resolved, but this version should work with 0.20 without issue.

    The ability to pass command line parameters to KSP to skip to vab/sph/flight has been removed to facilitate using KSPs new KSPAddon function, but if there is strong desire to see this re-added, let me know.


    • Swap between mirror & symmetry part placement mode
    • Up to 100x levels of symmetry (no longer limited to 8x)
    • Go directly from the VAB to the runway (or SPH to the Launchpad)
    • Additional rotational snapping options (1, 5, 15, 30, 45, 90 degrees)
    • Toggle vertical snap mode on/off
    • Toggle part clipping and radial attachment modes (even for parts which can't normally attach radially)
    • Build height/width limits removed
    • Camera position limits removed
    • VAB interior size massively increased


    Simply copy the EditorTools.dll file from the 'Plugins' folder located in the zip file above into the 'Plugins' folder located within your KSP installation directory. Ensure that EdTools.dll (the mod for previous versions of KSP) has been removed from your KSP Plugins folder or you will have issues!!


    Use EditorTools to assist in rocket and vehicle manufacture! The following shortcuts work in both the VAB and SPH:

    [table=width: 500]







    [td]Toggle vertical snap mode (only when angle snap is enabled)[/td]




    [td]Increase level of symmetry[/td]



    [td]Shift + X[/td]

    [td]Decrease level of symmetry[/td]



    [td]Alt + X[/td]

    [td]Reset level of symmetry[/td]




    [td]Increase rotational snapping amount[/td]



    [td]Shift + C[/td]

    [td]Decrease rotational snapping amount[/td]



    [td]Alt + C[/td]

    [td]Reset rotational snapping amount[/td]



    [td]Alt + R[/td]

    [td]Toggle radial attachment for the part you're currently holding[/td]



    [td]Alt + Z[/td]

    [td]Toggle part clipping[/td]




    [td]Toggle symmetry mode/launch site (Launchpad/Runway)[/td]





    1. Fixed symmetry and angle snap position at different resolutions
    2. Removed nonfunctional temporary part clipping


    1. Added compatibility with KSP 0.20
    2. Removed command line scene-skip functions
    3. Angle snap and symmetry text moved off-screen with the parts panel
    4. Added ALT + C for turning off angle snap

    Known Issues:

    1. Lag between angle snap/symmetry text and parts panel on transition to action panel
    2. Changing symmetry mode (between symmetry and mirror mode) causes issues in placing subsequent parts

    As mentioned elsewhere, there was not a license included with the source code, though the old forum post may have stated the code itself is covered under GPL. I will comply with any copyright-related requests from deadbeef should they arise in the future.

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