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Everything posted by Spartan679

  1. Guys. What if this is a prelude of things to come? What if this meant there may be an AI space program originating from Duna in a future update?
  2. Loving the parts and the Ceres. A couple of things however. The included CRAFT file doesnt work for me. Whenever I try to load the included CERES, I get a message saying it's not compatible or something. Also, made a big rocket using the 3m x 5 Soyuz tank. The thing wobbled itself apart as soon as it appeared on the launch platform. I managed to fix it using the Launch Stabilizers and had liftoff succesfully, however, the engines kept wobbling wildly during flight. As if they were about to rip off from the tanks themselves. And lastly, the CERES chute, whenever deployed, rips off from the rest of the ship, leaving me with a doomed capsule and a chute in the air that has nothing holding on to it.
  3. Hello everyone. I have been venturing in making things go boo...errr to orbit I mean, for a while but just now decided to venture into the forums. The closest I've come to landing at Mun has been crashing into its surface killing everyone on board. Felt a mix of pride and remorse for the loss of my ship I've been wondering for a while. What are the must have mods? By this I mean, the most popular mods that almost everyone has? Recently I've been wanting to put satellites into orbit but I have no idea which pack to get, etc.
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