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Posts posted by Ryder

  1. Hey all... After installing Breaking Ground, KSP fails to exit the loading screen... gets' as far as "Expansion Loading Complete!" and then sits there.  Forever. 

    Anyone else?


    Things to try?

    Thank you!

    [Edit: I did a fresh install... and found that making history had to be upgraded as well... and all seems to be ok]


  2. OK... does anyone know how to reset the "Available/Unavailable Parts" in the Start Node???  Seems one cannot change their mind about selections after the Mission has been saved...


    EDIT: I had to edit out all "available parts" from the mission file... then repopulate, which seemed to do the trick.  This issue might be wrapped up in how it is possible to create a vehicle with a set of parts that is later made unavailable... causing the program to become confused.


  3. 3 hours ago, Mr Shifty said:

    After the first mission, you can exit to the space center and then enter the VAB. Your rocket design is saved, so you just load it up and relaunch. Yes, it should let you revert directly to the VAB, but you can workaround it for now without having to redo the whole mission.

    No, you cannot.  The VAB is Locked.


    Still wondering if they actually playtested this mission before releasing the expansion. Because it’s pretty hard to not notic

    I know... that's pretty messed up for literally the first mission....!  the first mission should be exceptionally well tested/abused/clean.


    Ok, so what is a "tourist", technically, for purposes of mission building?

    I ask because I wanted to check for the distance between a player and an object... and I see no options to test for the player character... only tourists and NAMED kerbals... but since I can't know for sure what the name of the Kerbal is at mission start... then I can't do the test.   I thought "tourist" might be a generic term for any Kerbal (which would work).... but this in fact did not trigger the distance test.

    Any thoughts on how to accomplish this, appreciated.

  5. 2 hours ago, awdAvenger said:

    Is it possible to revert to the VAB when doing the missions? I only see the ability to restart the mission, and then I have to redo the crafts all over again?

    Recovering the vessel on the pad just returns me to KSC with all the buildings locked.

    Same issue... how to retry a failed mission segment?  recovering locks vab!

    Also, recovering the vessel seems to cause the game to HANG (Mac)

  6. 11 minutes ago, Alshain said:

    You are comparing commercial planes to video game equipment.  There seems to be something you're missing with the concept of reality.


    Ahhh so NOW you are claiming that it's not just sales... but the MARKET segment.

    But I ALREADY covered that:  "...  in COMPARISON to other consoles...  It's this funny thing called market share. "

    But you chose to ignore that... citing sales numbers ALONE as the definition of failure.


    The point (which you missed), is that you have to see if vive is PROFITABLE, and its portion of MARKET SHARE, and is performance vs PROJECTIONS (at a minimum)... going by raw sales simply betrays a lack of understanding.  In a way, it's the LEAST important thing. Therefore your notion that "lots of people" buying is what matters... is just fatally simplistic.


    If you don't want discussion, don't visit a discussion forum.  You are just as much a waste of my time.

    No, just you.  I don't want to teach manufacturing anymore... adios.

  7. 1 hour ago, Alshain said:

    By it's sales numbers.

    It doesn't matter if HTC/Valve are selling at a profit, it matters if Squad can get a profit on the development effort, which is unlikely.  This is the same issue with the Wii U.  3rd party developers can't make a profit developing for it, and thus it failed.  Yet, Squad could still stand to make more profit if they release that Wii U version than if they add VR.  Though I wouldn't be surprised if they abandoned the Wii U version, disappointed, but not surprised.


    Hahahaaaaa... wow.

    no... its not by sales numbers,  it sold ~13M units... so by sales numbers, 13M is a failure...

    And YET, the Boeing 737 is the most successful airliner sold... at... drum roll... just over 13 thousand sold.

    So if it's by simple sales numbers... how do you explain 13 MILLION is a failure, while 13 THOUSAND is the undisputed champion?

    Hint: wi U was beneath PROJECTIONS by almost 90%.  Wii U sold at a LOSS.

    There just seems to be something you're missing with the concept of sales and success.


    I'll not waste more time with you on this topic.  Better things to do.


    28 minutes ago, KSK said:

    No - I'm challenging your assumptions by asking you to consider some fairly basic questions. Which so far you're refusing to do.


    Of course not... I already considered that before my first post.  And I have come to my conclusion after having considered all that (and more).

    You simply seem to simply not understand that we disagree.

  8. 7 minutes ago, Alshain said:

    2 million people purchased a Wii U and yet it is still considered the biggest failure in Nintendo history.  People buying something doesn't matter, lots of people buying something matters.  More people own a Wii U than a VR device.


    Ahhh, I think you undid your own point.  The Wii U is "considered" (by whom?) a failure... in COMPARISON to other consoles... like it's cousin the Wii.  It's this funny thing called market share.

    HTC/Valve says that they are selling at profit already (meaning that they are beyond critical mass for production), and know how to cut the lighthouse costs in half right now... 

    The true issue for a manufacturer is: Profit matters.  (I know. I'm a manufacturer)


  9. 5 minutes ago, Alshain said:

      Cockpit flight in KSP sucks...


    Agreed...  But Lunar Flight VR does not... that should be a clue!  The big issue is that different cockpits would be needed, that provide a view.  Then suddenly... not so sucky!


    Even still it's not worth the cost.  {...}  Even if I thought VR was a wonderful idea, it's still not worth the cost.  


    Meh...   Then nobody would have purchased one.  Buuuuut...  they did.

    10,000 a month apartments are common in NYC. 

    "There is *always* a market for the best"

  10. 7 hours ago, KSK said:

    Well you're making a poor one because your case is based on poor assumptions with nothing to back them up other than 'KSP with VR would be kewl'. Then you're shouting down somebody who disagrees with your case.


    Interesting... but you've done the exact same thing in response...

    If it's good enough for you to respond with...

    And of course I've done far more than that, and "poor assumptions" are just your opinion.  Which I'm not interested in.

    46 minutes ago, CranialRectosis said:

    I have been building PCs since I modded my old TRS-80 with a soldering iron to upgrade to 16k of RAM. T


    Interesting... I did the same thing... with the Coco... from a whopping 4K to 32 K using piggyback memory (which I assume that's what you're describing).

    So you remember the cassette tape days, clearly :D


    8 hours ago, Athlonic said:

    Also I am just tired of all the hate around such technologie. The only grip you can have against VR for now is its price, here I agree, HMD VR sets are way too expensive but this is how economy works nowadays.


    All true... and of course, fighting against it is a self-fulfilling prophecy.   VR is not at all expensive for some people.  And of course they lead the way...  Think of the early Motorola brick cell phone :)

  11. 15 minutes ago, KSK said:

    OK, there are a couple of problems here.

    1.  You're assuming that VR is a 'build it and they will come' feature that will improve KSP sales. I don't think it will. VR is a nice-to-have feature for people that were going to buy KSP anyway. If the basic gameplay behind KSP doesn't appeal, then adding VR isn't going to overcome that.

    2.  You're assuming that there are still plenty of customers out there for KSP.  KSP has been out for five years now in various iterations. I doubt there are too many new customers left. Steam sales and other promotions might winkle out the remaining fence-sitters who were considering buying but haven't been able to afford it. I doubt that adding VR will make much difference.

    3. Most importantly, the overlap between 'gamers who possess or are willing to fork out for VR capable gear' and 'gamers who like KSP' is likely to be very small. Anecdotal evidence on these forums doesn't count - by definition, participants in these forums are already a small self-selecting group. Small overlap = small market to chase = probably not worth developer time.

    As an aside, I disagree with your assertion that 'the one thing that they really should focus on, we probably all agree... is multiplayer.' Even on these forums, opinions differ widely on that point.




    I'm not assuming it... I'm MAKING A CASE FOR IT.

    There are plenty of potential new KSP customers out there... that's obvious.  I don't know another soul on this planet that has it except myself, yet I know hundreds with PC's.  I'd say there are close to 2 Billion.  That ought to be enough :)

    Doesn't matter if they like it or not.  Only matters if they buy it.  Never bought a program you didn't like?  I've personally already bought at least half a dozen VR titles I don't like much.


    I said "we probably" for a reason.


    Thanks for your contribution

  12. 13 hours ago, Rocket In My Pocket said:

    I'd say it's got a couple more false starts to go through, an "accessory" with an 800 dollar price tag is far from being mainstream.


    I think this is missing the point... certainly this topic is NOT about "will vr be a success?"

    It's about expanding the KSP user experience... and certainly that has to be weighed against other priorities as others have pointed out.

    Now, as awesome as this generation of VR is... It's clear that KSP is a solid title without it, and so it's not the tech issue as much as it is one of opportunity.


    If one were to go down the "priority list" for KSP development... which feature on that list would add a couple hundred thousand sales?

    Procedurally generated craters?

    More/better rocket parts?

    "I heard KSP is adding procedural craters... I've been hesitating pulling the trigger.... but now I'm all in!"   Yeah... no.  Nobody is saying that.


    The one thing that they really should focus on, we probably all agree... is multiplayer.  So in this sense, I would say, yes...  that has the potential to deliver way more than a couple hundred thousand sales.

    But in thinking about the size of the task... VR in simulation is obviously not nearly so hard. Hell, someone already did it as a mod.  If a hobbyist can do it in their spare time... outside of the native codebase... Squad could kick butt on it, and do it in short order. Say they net $20 per sale...

    A cool 2 million (for 100K sales)  in the bank funds a LOT of multiplayer development.  Or interior space (which screams VR).

    I think bang for the buck... VR is a true winner.

    Multiplayer is a complex (expensive!) mess... which has to be maintained for the life of the product.  Servers don't run themselves.

    VR... code it then walk away.



  13. 1 hour ago, Red Iron Crown said:

     Speculative numbers are nice and all, but they're not something to plan around if you can help it. KSP is into the lower mid millions in my estimation (though there is no official figure and I have no inside info),

    It's great that your friends are committed to buying one, but will they actually do so? Talk is cheap, and novelty wears off.

    The biggest obstacle for the mainstream, IMO, is not nausea. It's not being able to see around you while playing. A market that wouldn't accept transparent glasses to get stereoscopic 3D will be a tough sell for that.

    I appreciate your enthusiasm, but I have been around long enough to see a lot of "leading edges" that fizzled out. We'll see.


    " Speculative numbers are nice and all, but they're not something to plan around if you can help it. KSP is into the lower mid millions in my estimation (though there is no official figure and I have no inside info),"

    Well... but you see the trap... you just had to do it yourself for the KSP numbers :)

    As a VR user of a couple of systems... the Vive system does in fact allow you to see around you (it has a front mounted camera), and WHY would you want to see reality, when you are in virtual reality?  Makes no sense. Getting rid of reality is the point.  Otherwise you're talking AR.

    It's not about 3D.

    It's about *interacting* in 3D.  This is where Oculus failed.  Going from a seated to a standing experience is *radically* different.

    Watching a movie with depth... is not at ALL the same as walking around something you just created, or walking down the center of the golden gate bridge from thousands of miles away.


    Given that I've had the Vive for about a week, I am going to give them more time to save the $800 :)   But at least one has it already plus the Vive compatible exercise bike is coming Saturday. (lucky them.  I wan't one) 



  14. 4 hours ago, Red Iron Crown said:

    Most recent numbers I can find from HTC claim they had sold 140,000 Vive headsets worldwide. That's at least one order of magnitude less than KSP has sold so far. It's a big jump to think that every Vive user would buy KSP if it started supporting it, and the ones who would be interested in the game have likely already bought it. Sorry, it's just not reasonable to think the userbase would "expand dramatically" by adding Vive support.

    Maybe VR will take off, maybe it won't, but it's really hard to argue that it's out of the early adopter niche right now.


    I'm aware of those numbers... October... following APRIL Launch.  6 months. We're now heading into Christmas... and you have to know that we're talking about way more units by end of year... units are now showing up in shopping malls being demoed. (I know, I just saw it Saturday). In fact, HTC has said of that 140K figure... that they in fact sold "much more" than that.

    Then there is the Rift... with their controllers releasing just days ago... and their user base is going to shift over into useful.

    So we're on the order of half a million vr users out there... with scant few good titles to buy.

    So unless KSP has sold to 5 million users... (which would be great... but no) there sure isn't an order of mag difference between it and the VR base... which is still VERY young.  Wait a few months when all those Christmas lottery winners show off their Vive to everyone.  Everyone I have let demo my Vive instantly committed themselves to getting one.  EVERYONE.


    When I discovered that VIVE essentially solved the nausea experience that was common on the Rift... I tossed my Rift like an old diaper... and bought every decent title available to Vive.  With the controllers Oculus released just now... they will have solved the nausea issue too. (meaning... while you CAN find titles that make you ill.. sometimes intentionally, most won't.. so VR becomes viable to even the weakest stomachs)

    This pushes VR squarely toward the mainstream.

    HTC has also figured out how to drop at least $100 from the retail price with next gen Lighthouse boxes... 


    You're witnessing the leading edge of something, and it would be sad for KSP to miss a target rich environment.





    4 hours ago, ChrisHale said:

    I thought someone had already modded in VR support?

    Edit: Oh and here's the GitHub I think. https://github.com/Vivero/Kerbal-VR


    That's amazing.

    Be sure to cross your eyes watching it, until the images merge in the center in order to get free 3D :)


    BTW, I went to your link, and successfully got it working!  Vive in KSP.  I cheated being stuck inside the cockpit (IVA) view... by simply sliding my chair a few feet left... and I was outside :)

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