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Everything posted by Chellger

  1. Searched for a little and did not find this, so here is what I think: We need some kind of "Museum", where we can see our achievements. Like the rocks and samples we've collected from moons or planets. Even if it would just say, we've collected so and so many kilograms it would ad a lot if you ask me. Then we could exhibit vessels that made it back from orbit or other planets. Imagine if we could look at some old vessels and write a text, like for flags. It would be interesting to read how our space programs have evolved. Maybe make a gallery where we can put screenshots we've made on those missions. You could add a "Camera-Function", basically just a FPS-View to make fotos. The first pictures would be black-and-white maybe, grainy, but as the technology-tree evolves, so does the cameras and the quality of fotos. And to motivate the player to put some stuff into the Museum it could generate money.
  2. I'd like a system like Steam where you can easily buy a game as a present as many times as you want. But even if that is not possible, donating would still be a good idea. I dont want to give away free copies of the game, i want to assist the developers because i want this to keep running. Now i guess, they're doing fine so far, but if you want to put a bit more dedication into this, it surely cant hurt, i'd say. And since Day-Z has become really uninteresting for me, THIS is where i want to sink a little money into
  3. How do i donate? I have searched the Forum, but could not find, if there is an official way to do it. I want to donate since i have read about the new Planets in the Forum. (Lava-Planet, Desert-Planet, Moons, etc.) Well, i thought that this is SO fu**ing cool, that i wanted to contriubte more, then the money i have spent on buying the game. What i did, was the following: I just bought the game again, and it now shows that i have paid the game for $ 33. I guess thats the price of my first purchase and the price of the second one today combined. Anyway, i hope the guys behind this game receive that money, because this NEEDS to keep growing. I love Kerbal Space Program, and i want a "Donate"-Button or something on the homepage, so that i can give € 5 once i a while, when i feel like it. (Dont really want to purchase the game over and over - or at least have the opportunity to buy it as a present!) So - is there a "legit" way to donate, or was "my away" the only possible one? Regards.
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