I got my first screen name when I was playing WipEout on the PSP, and still I'm living in Hautes-Garrone in France, I chose WipEout31. But then I got into Flight Simulator X, and went with AirFranceLiner (because I did nothing but commercial flights with Air France skinned aircrafts back then). Then I discovered Orbiter, and when registering to the Orbiter french forums I felt AFLiner wasn't "appropriate" for space. Since you could do interplanetary flights, which seemed mind blowing at the time (it was a solid 9 years ago now wow), I chose SolarLiner, as an evolution from AFLiner. And then, for those 9 years, that name followed me. But I have two more "names", one is my more or an artist name which is Refractor. The idea goes back 3 years in science class with a friend, we had a running joke about how I could refract light (I wish I remembered the origin of that inside joke lol), and it eventually stuck with me: "The Refractor". And the third is a recent username, an alternate account on reddit to kind of play the character of my favorite character in my fav series: "POI_ROOT".