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Everything posted by Foskifo

  1. Hi there; Please apology for my poor english and thanx to devs for this wonderful game. I wondered if there is any chance to change files to localize game in french as i may do it. Would it be possible ? (sorry if my question seems dumb as i don't know anything about modding or editing) Cheers
  2. Congratz! Looks promising and i hope the best for your amazing and addictive simulation. Keep up the good work, you are doing great! Cheers from France PS: just succeded in my first elliptic orbit! :op
  3. Salut a tous, moi aussi je suis francophone. Je viens d'essayer KSP et c'est du bonheur en barre! bon par contre je suis mauvais dans mes designs je fais rien de bien terrible pour l'instant. Vous avez des designs interressants à partager?
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