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    Spacecraft Engineer
  1. The main thing with Moho is making sure you hit your transfer window exactly. Unlike most of the other planets, there isn't a lot of 'wiggle room' for when you can start your burn and a missed window can mean the difference between a 5,000m/s transfer and a 20,000m/s transfer. The procedure is basically the same as anywhere else, though. Use the planner than Johnno linked to figure out your launch time. Then use this: http://ksp.olex.biz/ to figure out where you should start the transfer burn while in Kerbin orbit. Match planes by burning normal/anti-normal as you cross the DN/AN mid-transfer.
  2. This is where the Subassembly Manager mod comes in very handy. Build the lander separately and save it as a subassembly. Then once you get the rest of the rocket built, load the lander subassembly and attach it. http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/showthread.php/38285-0-20-x-Subassembly-Manager
  3. Unless i'm looking at the picture incorrectly, the only option for the medium tanks are, in fact, 2.5m endcaps
  4. I just came back to include my 'AND' gate wish to my previous post but that seems like a solid workaround, mushroomman. I'll definitely give it a shot and play around with it. Thanks!
  5. You are a genius! I can't believe i didn't think of doing that, haha! I also can't believe i didn't think about having to limit tVar to 1. I immediately saw what was wrong as my tVar value continued to climb above 2 and then had to wait for it to come back down below 1 before the throttle moved. Looks like i owe you a beer @JewelShisen: Thanks for the suggestion. I already had the throttle locked to tVar further up in the program though. I would give my left arm for an 'AND' gate right about now..haha
  6. Hit Alt-F12 while in the VAB to bring up the debug menu and then turn on part clipping. ::Edit for clarity:: You don't have to be in the VAB to access the menu. You can open the debug menu at any point in the game.
  7. Did some more testing in regards to my issue. Original post is here: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/showthread.php/47399-kOS-Scriptable-Autopilot-System-0-35?p=621892&viewfull=1#post621892 I threw a couple print commands into the loop to see what would happen. This is my testing script. until altitude > 10000 { if vertical speed < 100 { print "Throttling up". set tVar to tVar + 0.02. }. if vertical speed > 100 { print "Throttling down". set tVar to tVar - 0.02. }. }. This continuously prints 'throttling up' as soon as the program runs. The second i go over 100m/s it switches to printing "throttling down" (so i know it's recognizing the speed correctly). But it still won't actually move the throttle for another 5 seconds or so, and by that time i'm already over 150m/s. So it seems that i'm having an issue with throttle response. Are other people seeing the same thing or is this just on my end?
  8. This has to be one of the coolest things i've played around with in KSP! I do have a question regarding the reaction times of control inputs though. This is what i'm trying to run: clearscreen. set tVar to 0.75. print "Launch Sequence Starting". lock steering to up + R(0,0,180). toggle SAS. lock throttle to tVar. wait 1. stage. until altitude > 500 { if verticalspeed < 50 { set tVar to tVar + 0.1. }. if verticalspeed > 50 { set tVar to tVar - 0.1. }. }. print "Hover Sequence Starting". until altitude < 100 { if verticalspeed < -10 { set tVar to tVar + 0.05. }. if verticalspeed > -5 { set tVar to tVar - 0.05. }. }. Upon running, it immediately sees that my vertical speed is less than 50 so it throttles up from 75% to 100%. But it won't throttle back down when the vertical speed increases above 50. When it tries to transition into hover mode, it prints the string then continues at 100% throttle until i'm well over 1000m up. Once it starts trying to hold the -10 to -5 descent rate, it will throttle down to 0 until my vertical speed is about -30 at which point it throttles up to full until my vertical speed is around +30. This "yo-yo'ing" will continue until i end the program, it never settles down into the correct descent rate. Is the poll rate not fast enough for these types of maneuvers or am i doing something wrong? ::edit:: Ok, it seems to be something with the custom variable rate because if i change it to: print "Hover Sequence Starting". until altitude < 100 { if verticalspeed < -10 { lock throttle to 0.5. }. if verticalspeed > -5 { lock throttle to 0. }. }. That works perfectly and kicks the engine on and off at precisely -10 and -5, respectively.
  9. In case you don't know; Unless you are using the FAR plugin, all those nosecones do nothing but add extra weight and lower your total delta-v. Of course, if you just want it to look more "rockety" then, by all means, use them
  10. Stickied in the Tutorials section: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/showthread.php/41941-New-SAS-functionality-and-You!
  11. I seem to reference this craft more than i thought i would. This is my kethane dropship using spherical tanks. 24000 units of kethane into orbit but you could easily replace those tanks with LFO ones if that's what you're doing. Those are 4 LV-N's clipped into the radial tanks, but 909's would probably work just as well(maybe better, even).
  12. I purposely disabled Deadly Reentry for my test because i assumed it might mess with the temps. And looking at your temps, i would have to say my assumption was correct. My highest temp was ~19 degrees on the surface whereas your highest was ~80 degrees at 35km. I would venture a guess and say that was caused by DR's friction generated heat. As far as your solar wind question. I'm afraid my knowledge is only in meteorology so i won't be able to answer that one.
  13. HAHA! Awesome picture. I love Mythbusters. That's due to the ionosphere. The higher you go in that region, the hotter it gets(due to solar radiation ionizing the molecules) and can reach over 1500C in some cases. The the main thing to remember is how temperature is actually defined. In a gas, temperature can be defined as the average molecule speed. So while the actual "temperature" is described as 1500C, once inside the exosphere, very little of that actually gets transferred around due to the extremely small amount of particles and would still be considered 'cold' by us.
  14. The Deadly Reentry mod is awesome, indeed. Gone are the days of reckless aerocaptures and atmospheric entries! Here's another real-world atmosphere chart(if you're interested) that's a little easier to read. http://www.atmos.illinois.edu/earths_atmosphere/images/temperature/layers2.jpg I think i'm going to actually do some science tonight and graph the temp of Kerbin's atmosphere just to see what it actually looks like. Damn you for making me do actual work instead of blowing up kerbals! haha :edit: Alright, so i just spent 5 mins and did a very basic test and there is definitely something weird going on..haha. Here's the graph i threw together: This was just a straight climb to 200km while recording the temp from the 2-Hot Thermometer every 5km. One thing is for sure, there is no thermosphere modeled.* However, the lower atmosphere results are interesting. What is also peculiar is the fact that if you do a straight climb the temp falls off quickly from -40 to -200 degrees between 150-200km. BUT, if you park at a 100km orbit, the temp will stay at ~-45 degrees for a few minutes before, rapidly, dropping to -200 degrees without any change in altitude I wonder if there is some kind of delay to the temp readings? * I take that back, looking at the numbers more closely it looks like the thermosphere extends from about 60km to 80km. Which doesn't make any sense because the entire atmosphere is supposed to end at 69km.
  15. I'm not saying that they are implemented. I, honestly, have no idea if they are or not. I was just expanding on Kimberly's post where she said higher does not equal colder(in regards to real life).
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