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Posts posted by Girlinhat

  1. I can\'t seem to find an actual use for landing legs. They aren\'t telescopic, and if you\'re landing onto a liquid fuel tank (as you probably are, since you want to make a slow touchdown) then you land on your engine, not on your legs.

    Where do you put landing struts that\'s actually useful?

  2. If I understand mechjeb right, you\'ll need to have the capsule and the mechjeb attached to the lander, and to then jettison your dropship to make the landing. You -may- be able to attach a command pod to the dropship as well, and be able to swap between one and the other, but they can\'t really reconnect and fly off together as of yet.

  3. I don\'t think that counts at all. While an impressive feat of kerboneering, it\'s one launch that didn\'t attain orbit, wherein you hit yourself at (relatively) very low speed and distance.

    Fly up randomly, jettison some cargo, float 20 feet away, and come back at it. Technically impressive, but not the same thing.

  4. As the liaison from the Mountainhomes (no one else has taken up the title, so here I stand) I issue a challenge - a mandate, if you will.

    For those of you unfamiliar, Dwarf Fortress is an ASCII game played on something similar to a command console. While graphic packs exist, it's so low on the graphics that it's merely dots moving about the screen at all times. Yet there is such a level of textual detail that the game engrosses you. Combat reports, descriptions of personalities and appearances, more combat reports, details about engravings and decorations on items, and more combat reports. With just a puff of imagination, the entire thing takes sail into a grand, randomly generated masterpiece of chaos and bloodshed. Of course, it gets interesting when you start using mechanisms. Similar to Minecraft's insane non-sequential wires and impossible devices, the mechanics available in Dwarf Fortress are unbound by structural or rational limitations, instead only limited by your hard-headed desire to use water logic and infinite pressure plates. This, of course, lends itself to some of the most insane designs imaginable, from flooding chambers, cave-in traps, automatic magma launchers, sequential flooding of trade depots while someone is attempting to trade, and ultimately the dwarfputer, a working calculator that runs entirely inside the game.

    With this in mind, the mandate is simple. Be a Dwarf. Do the impossible, be the insane, challenge physics and not only spit in its eye, but bite it in the lips from behind and send the severed part sailing away in an arc! Design something insane, and make it work! Definition of 'work' subject to sudden and violent change, of course. Let's see your worst designed rocket ever place itself in a perfect orbit! Add more solid boosters! Ditch those parachutes! Strike the Earth!

    One shiny -Cat Leather Sock- to anyone who can certify their insanity along with their mastery of explosives.

  5. Logos are already planned, decals have a section all their own. Perhaps we'll see commercial ad space on our ships actually getting us money! Either way, I find these chutes humorous and delightful, though I personally won't use them (maybe).

  6. This! being able to put chutes between any given stage would be quite handy.

    Rather, what about a decoupling parachute? Could it be made to decouple AND deploy a chute? Obviously, a traditional chute under a decoupler would still be under the decoupler and wouldn't deploy probably (rather, it probably would, though it shouldn't) and a chute above a decoupler wouldn't be detached. Combined into one, it would be amazing.

  7. the ideas people come up with on these forums are worse (sanity-wise) than on the DF forums. next thing we know, people will make a 'digging machine'

    Actually, I'm working on a fortress design. It will be launched either as a whole piece or in stages, depending on the development stage of the game, and will be mounted with several (dozens of) orbital bombardment devices. These are likely to be unspent solid thrusters or spent fuel containers, depending on the kinetic punch desired.

    (If you read the DF forums at all, you should recognize me.)

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