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  1. Hmm, ok reading that I am not conviced of my thing, hehehe But hmm, if I put 9 more T400 tanks on top of mine and about 12 T32's extra.. This time used full throttle from start to Kerbin orbit and as much as possible later. Ended up at 280 tons to get in Minmus orbit this time (and almost out of fuel), bit sloppy steering so had to make lots of corrections to actually reach orbit. Although I guess it's bugged after all because even the small engine bursts for corrections or to create some acceleration for steering feel like cheating now Ship: http://www./?zws9y8sxaga9v7w (was just for fun to try and lift long heavy weight in construction using tricouplers, bit sloppy and oops think I left mechjeb module on top)
  2. Managed to get my new prototype Hercules 'silly systems' transport vessel (start weight 781.8 tons) with 287.6 tons of weight left in orbit around Minmus. (all stock except used mechjeb module in the end to get the angle right to minmus :F). Ship is actually incredibly stable and capable of carrying more weight into orbit, not just minmus orbit.. Vehicle basically consists of 9 LV-T30 and 15 LV-T45 engines which simultaniously fire for launch. Ship lifts a total of 96 FL-T400, 19 FL-T32 and 12 FL-T16 fuel tanks together with some tricouplers, decouplers and mostly struts to keep stuff from flying their own way. Vehicle is stable at full throttle but here I launched and got into orbit at a bit lower thrust (see launch image). Kept this trust and boosted where neccesary to get in orbit, full thrust boosts for the rest. Whole mass can be seperated from the main vessel, consisiting of a command console, struts, some ladders and LV-909, supported initially by 3 x 5 FL-T400 tanks and 3 T45 engines (which are still 100% fuel when in Kerbin orbit). But didn't do that here :'). At launch, actually I should still build boosters around it to launch it (for this flight, only used some help from aerespike rocket with 2 fuel tanks to test). I fly up till about 5Km, then I steer to 60% and keep this angle till apoapsis is about right (min 70km but it's actually nicer to go into a 1 million orbit eventually to be able to steer this slow mofo into Minmus). Out of the 9 T30 rockets, 3 of them will run out of fuel soon enough (usually at about 320m/s); these rockets together with 3 FL-T32 and 3 FL-T16 fuel tanks are seperated. Rest flies all the way to minmus in this case. Hardest thing about this is to steer it where you want when you can't really use any acceleration; it's quite slow to turn and you need throttle. Haven't experimented with thrusters on the side or something.. Out of frustration I ended up using mechjeb for orbital insertion, just to get the angle right, rest of insertion had to cancel Mechjeb because it ended up rotation the ship too fast every tme. Can put .craft file online if you want; dunno where one can upload such thing though (pic of launch and below views were taken later as I forgot to make them; but it's the actual vessel used (and it's actually repeatable with same ship)
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