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    Bottle Rocketeer
  1. While I certainly share the opinion that this mod is pure toxic, that move would be on the same level. I've seen the outcome of that in another community already (Minecraft, the "war" between GregTech and Tinker's Construct). Don't be that guy
  2. Exactly. Default turned off, save the state for each rocket and remember the window position(!) and this will be a must have mod
  3. Hey guys, searched the wiki and thread for this, but after 10 pages nothing came up... Having some problems with setting up a 3.75 upgraded Fusion reactor transmitter. The reactor has a lower priority than the transmitter, so it constantly displays the "recude power requirements" message. The fusion reactor therefor shuts down in random intervalls when he decided that he doesn't have enough power at that moment. Using enough batteries I'm mostly able to restart it manually, but it's still annoying. Sometimes it even takes a few tries. After some days, the reactor simply refuses to restart, even though enough charge/fuel/heat dissipation etc is available. Am I doing it wrong?
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