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Everything posted by T-Pilot395

  1. Adding black outlines to both will help greatly with visibility, or you could simply make the blue portion a tad darker so the white can stand out, just like the real PFDs on a 737, for example.
  2. As a simulator junkie who uses it a lot, I think they should be a bit bigger. I have to zoom in sometimes to get a good view of the numbers. Also, in terms of colour, maybe you could make the attitude indicator stand out more from the blue part of the artificial horizon? A simply black outline would do wonders. Thanks for this great mod!
  3. I could try my hand at cockpit modelling and texturing if I get my hands on the cockpit models themselves. I probably can't do extremely complex modelling, but hey, a IVA is better than nothing, right? Then again, I've modelled, but not for KSP.
  4. Pretty much what he said. Although I hope it can be improved to show just lateral offset. Helps a ton when aligning COMs for my VTOL craft.
  5. You get the wrench at tier 2 (or tier 1 if the starting node is tier 0) along with the KIS guide, which is pretty good.
  6. I thought you were going to re-code the plugin to use its own system and not Hullcam's? Hullcam's first person was really disorienting for me so I didn't enjoy it.
  7. Whoa, didn't remember seeing that before. Thanks! I guess I'm going to have to lay off KSP for now until I get my high quality airplane/space parts back.
  8. I'm still curious as to what's up with B9's development status. Even a small "we're working on it" would be really comforting to me, because it's been weeks since there's been any news from any of the mod developers. I've quite literally have not touched 1.0.2 because B9 is one of the last few mods I'm waiting on to update. I still have faith that this mod isn't dead, but the silence is scary.
  9. As far as I know, each page has different, or no functions for the buttons beside the displays. I do think the left-right buttons pan the external camera views left and right. Like I said, experimentation is your friend here. There's a external camera part you can attach to craft and assign id numbers from 1-8, allowing you to have up to 8 cameras on the vessel to cycle through.
  10. Play around with the buttons around the screens. The leftmost button on the top row, for example, can bring up your Navball. Read the rest of the buttons for what they do.
  11. YES! Thank you so much! I can finally read information off useful displays! The amount of dv needed to thank you is more than what I have. XD Also, I have a lil suggestion: Is it possible to have waypoint tracking show up on the digital Navball (Like the current navball when you activate navigation)? It'll help a lot when I fly using the IVA.
  12. I was actually really upset when I realised the Mk3 interior's primary flight display wasn't a actual working one, nor were the other displays. I need RPM to cure my depression over this matter. Take your time though, I got plenty of other mods to wait on as well. What would I ever do without KSP's modding community, I wonder.
  13. No! I still need to land my spaceplane aaaaahhhh hypeerload
  14. I found out recently that Rover wheels still can't tolerate part clipping. I found out when the suspension on my rover, which I clipped into it's body, caused it to force the I-beam it's attached to, away from the craft. Maybe try that? If not, see if you can get other types of cargo to undock and move out, maybe build something small.
  15. Then you've really outdone my expectations. Can't wait to see the recode!
  16. I think the most straightforward solution would be to have a button for flag-planting in like, a random corner/side of the screen.
  17. This is great! I loved using it back then, nice to see it make a comeback! Maybe you could expand it to allow roll control input in EVA? That way I can orient myself with my spacecraft without having to orient the spacecraft to me Or the ability to toggle mouse look. That would bring up a new level of immersion.
  18. I landed a plane using bricks (Also known as C7 Aerospace non-animated landing gear) as landing gear.
  19. Throw a probe core somewhere obscure, that will work as a temporary solution.
  20. Why would you hate him? He's one of the first kerbalnauts in the space program, and plus he's one of the baddest of the three. If you really want to remove his assets, setup a ModuleManager config yourself to replace his company name with other stuff. To remove him from your space program, change his name through your persistance file. Don't worry, an MM config is super easy to setup.
  21. You could always slap heat shield panels onto yours once FireSpitter updates right? And maybe in the process, allow the heat shield panels on the cargo bay to be flipped so that the bomb and cargo bays have heat shielding. I admire the amount of effort you guys put into B9. Keep it up!
  22. I think you can easily simulate probe shutdown by turning off electric charge flow...least that's how I do it. Unless you're the kind that throws battery packs over every single inch of space craft.
  23. Ooooh thanks for letting me know! Can't wait to outfit my spaceplanes with that!
  24. Damn I absolutely love this pack. But is it ok if you guys can make a B9 style 1.25m spaceplane cockpit? The original mk1 cockpit looks out of place. *gets back to enjoying the pack*
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