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  1. A preview of what's coming down the Werft production line: Zerstorer Hf-Class Destroyer, and Zerstorer Rk-Class Destroyer.
  2. Ship- Wirbelwind-Class Fighter (pronounced Virbelvind) Ship Information- It carries 12 HVAP (High Velocity Armour Piercing) Missiles, and has a Aerospike Powerplant. It has weak armour and can't take hits well, however, it is fast and the HVAPs pack a powerful and accurate punch. Company- Werft Shipyards Company Bio - Werft Shipyards is a company that mainly produces small frigates and fighters. They are usually designed for lightning strikes on unaware opponents. They have aligned themselves with Hanlan as they see that Spiritwolf is primed to have a complete monopoly on space; Spiritwolf's attacks on Hanlan ships have only cemented this idea. Allegiance- Hanlan Part count- 190 Craft And Persistence File http://www./?rzfmce7qqro6ol9 Operation Manual- None.
  3. So, I've been trying to get a space station in the air for some time now. The only issue? Asplosions. For reasons unknown, a fuel tank disengages from the ascent stage and causes the rocket below it to slam upwards into the arm of the station. Even worse, I have no clue what fuel tank it is. This same accident has killed about 40-50 kerbonauts because, well, it's a space station. The crew don't need to return to Kerbin so I neglected to add a parachute. Because my computer has the processing power of a potato, I'm going to upload the .ship file. (In about a minute or two) Spudsy
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