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    Bottle Rocketeer
  1. But still they should be able to return safely if for instance the space station falls back to the planet
  2. Carreer mode is still in development... If you don't want to play an incomplete version, than wait until they say it is completed. Oh, and welcome on the forums.
  3. Thanks a lot! This helped a lot. I just did a flyby at the Mun and returned/recovered the craft. First I wanted to land it and return afterwards, but I ended up at the dark side of the Mun with no power left and not enough fuel to fix my mistake.
  4. Hi all, Somewhere on this forums I read about getting ''500 science from a Duna flyby'' or something like that. How does this work? And some other questions, some people get so much science in just 3 flights. I've done more than 6 flights now and some exploration on the ground. I ''recovered'' most of the times instead of transmitting. I think I got around 25 science every time, but that's it. How do I get more science done easily? Anyone got some hints for me?
  5. But... do you also have a fuel truck for the fuel truck?
  6. This: and this: oh and this: And of course, don't forget this:
  7. If it's 40K, it shouldn't have parachutes Good job though!
  8. Please excuse me, but unless you intend to use your flag as a flying carpet, I do not think it is a (space)craft. So, this doesn't belong here, as this is spacecraft exchange... I like your design though!
  9. I got a error concerning the ''cl.mini.hexProbe''
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