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    Bottle Rocketeer
  1. Im suprised it didnt go to complete hell. I mean..jeb isnt smiling. How did it not start barrel rolling out of control?
  2. Sometimes I build the most retarded rockets in ksp and see how long i can control them. For instance:A entire rocket made of mechjebs with one engine. I said damnit jeb a hundred times that day
  3. Really love the series man. Just dont play kerbal bowling on the mun for success
  4. When I play it jumps every 5 seconds when in munar orbit.
  5. I have a second one too.[if my other one gets posted that is] Just today I was using the CART as a basic mini rover on the mun. I unfortunately land 200km from my original coords. So after detaching the rover and beggining my long treck halfway around the mun, my brother rings the doorbell and scares the living crap outta me. Next thing I know im doing a legit stoppie and then a un-legit front flip and I land on my pod and failed horribly. Next was a few min of yelling at him for it. If only his name was...Jeb.
  6. As I was going in for a landing on Minmus, I used mechjeb's autopilot to correct my course, as I am horrible at landings. Soon after, mechjeb suddenly began to spin my rocket out of control. I turned it off and tried to correct my rocket, but it was useless. 2 seconds before the crash, my last words were "Damnit, Je-*boom*.
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