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Everything posted by Wingnutcros

  1. Ok, i have attached all 3 ships.. The Arrow is the oddly designed one, and its screenshots are 9 and 7. The Tomboy V2 is pic 18*Didnt work?*, the Tomboy series is my current bomber series, tho they all seem to fly like ridiculously balances kegs.. Same could be said of the arrow tbh. And any other ship i make..... 0_0 If whoever is testing theese ships, could perhaps find and tell me what mistakes/problems with each craft it would be greatly appreciated! Ok thank you for your time. Good luck and enjoy the fireworks!
  2. Hey would it be alright if i post my first ever bomber? its got only jet engines so it wont leave the planet, and it only has 4 fueltank bombs, just wondering if i should post it? Also i have an... odd Design ive been working on since i first started, it needs work*balancing and watnot* but the basis of the craft is ok, can i upload em*and how do i take screenies for you?*. Thank you whether its a yes or a no
  3. im currently dancing with joy! you see ive been starting to toy with rockets, and when i install nova punch.. DAMN THATS ALOT OF STUFF 0_0 Was a bit over whelmed, but i kept working at it, and finally i had a rocket setup, bout 4-5 stages, Lauched her, made orbit with 2 stages to spare, burned for the moon, made orbit of the moon with an extra stage to spare.. Decided stuff it, ejected to final stage *No parachute, no gear, only rcs and engine*, I came down, and DAMN that thing was twitchy.. I LANDED! it isnt leaving the surface, and i lost half the rocket.. But.. I LANDED MY FIRST KERMAN ON THE MUN!!! Bob kerman you should be so proud!, now go and change your spacesuit! and while your at it, pitch up a tent, you'll be here awhile.
  4. *pulls out notepad* Make Rocket assheavy... using fuel makes ass lighter....want a big booty.. Right! so are regular SAS's Cumalative? can i place sayyy..... 10 of them and it would hopefully work better? thinking of making "Tubes" to make the rocket ejection system for my spaceplane a lil less haphazard, might even be able to get them to act as emergency ejection so the rocket will fly out when i eject em early for some reason.. Ok back to work! Thank you!
  5. Fair enough, thank you! , the idea for theese came from me testing over and over how to eject the excess engines and weight from earlier rockets, i tried ontop of the wings, under them, on the centerline roof, Nothing worked. so i thought, Why not put them in place of the Wings, and Voila this design was born, i dunno if its been done 1000s of times before, or is perhaps rare, i dunno, but i likes it. NOW, more questions! *aint i fun?* ive built a few rockets before, but the SAS doesnt seem to be able to hold them straight and true, most of the time ends up slowely tipping over, I saw some vids where people used RCS and SAS so the RCS would automaticaly help the SAS stabalise, but mine dont do that? i have to manually use the RCS,*even then it doesnt help* How do i keep my rockets going straight and true? well, back to work on the Spaceship, toying with a few more ideas atm
  6. Thank you, hairy moments with inner rockets??? I will dump the SAS modules, I will redesign, Do you have any ideas on how to safely eject the Inner rockets??? Will retest. many times! Roll to the right?? That happened to me once.. but i thought that was a 1 time problem... Damn Any idea? non strutted wing? do struts have weight? Perhaps how the rockets are strutted down? Thank you, very much, I will continue on this design, I'm t hinking on using this design as a BASE for a new idea ive been toying with. Ejectable fuel Tanks*not engine modules I hope more download my original and test for me EDIT: now i see the roll to the right, Dunno why its doing that, thats new... Still, plane is reasonably flyable in my eyes.. Will work on fixing it. First prototype of fuel ejection plane. Failure. too many fuel tanks or wrong aerodynamics, redesigning
  7. Ok then, here is my design*This isnt the END result.. just where im going with the design idea.* Ok heres a lil description on it Its a Ejectable Fuel Plane, The Fuel tanks used for making orbit can be ejected the moment they are used up, the SaS is pretty much useless, so you will have to fly her manually Feel free to switch engines, but i suggest leaving the outside ones as Aerospikes, or perhaps some other High power engine. no RCS, never managed to get it ti work on this design.. Shes Rear heavy, so keep that in mind.. Oh and it takes the Whole runway to lift, go full pelt, wait till the end, nearing the end Hold to lift up, she may drop a wee and OCCASIONALLY lose the Main engine. But as thats not used till the end, its not a big loss. Outside engines are ejected first, the moment u eject them, the Inner engines fire. Same with them, only the Final central engine fires, which *hopefully* should build the orbit. I've been tinkering with this style design for a few weeks, before i leave it behind i want to atleast finish it, perhaps have one land*IDC bout returning* on the mun. Good luck, thank you
  8. I think i saw ur artemis lifter thingy when surfing the forums, sexy looking ship!, btw, how do i upload a craft file? so u guys can check out my design and mebbe give me some Advice on how to upgrade it perhaps..?
  9. Howdy again guys, im back, with a few questions, got .17 now*WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO* First problem i put too you all. When taking off, alot of my spaceplanes *I have a bad facination with spaceplanes*, just as they lift, instead of lifting up, i get them to lift up, and then they start flipping MADLY!. HUH??? 2nd, when leaving the atmosphere with some of my planes, the further up i get to leaving the atmosphere, the plane starts to slowely go upwards. the further i go, and more power i apply, the faster it ges to the pointthat i cant put enough power in to make a safe orbit. HUH??? 3rd, Apon reentry sometimes my planes go MAD, going into a mad spin that no matter what i do i cannot correct(With power or without) before slamming at terminal velocity into the ground.. HUH???? Also as i stated before, cant get enough power to get o the moon, well now im having troubles getting up into an orbit*cause of all my balance problems perhaps* ALSO How do i get the center of weight in a plane shaped roughly like a triangle with 2 pointy bits at the front to get its weight balance centered? ALSO How do i upload a craft file for you guys to take a poke at and give me pointers? Cause i have a design ive tried and tested, it WORKS, but doesnt do the job i hoped. being a weight disposal system for helping to get to orbit using less fuel
  10. Well, ive managed to get to the mun, was trying to land on it with my spaceplane*and i MIGHT of exploited the fuel bug to get here?* when i accerated a bit 2 much, and i went from 3000 from the surface, out into Kerbans orbit! i thought hey no biggie i could get back to the mun with planning right? Welllllllll No.. i Stuffed up massively, you see it not only flinged me away from the mun, i swung around kerban and went full pelt out into deep space... BUGGER Also i have a new design Ship that for some reason, the moment it hits 25k in the air, it starts flipping and spinning and doesnt regain control till im bout to smash into the ground. Any clue? ALSOOOOO why there no Big rocket tips?? theres nosecones for the smaller rockets. why not big ones? ALSOO 2 Is nova punch remix taken down? every download i try to find of it apparantly cant find it? wahts gone on? and FInally How do install mods properly*just to make sure the "easy as hell" look really is that easy and not a facade* Thank you! Bon chance!
  11. Thanks for the welcome Cap'n Tog, can u explain that in a more beginner freindly way, and tbh i'd rather avoid Mechjeb atm*seen it used, seems a bit cheety to me* T/W ratio? SRB?
  12. Helloooooo Just bought KSP*Finally* Havent played since ages ago, back before there was orbits, just launchin your ship straight up*i made it to 2000K, K not M* Come back, and heres all theese things about orbits, moonlandings, a 2nd moon, planes just to name a few. I've been trying to make ships that make it to the mun, no luck, im using only vanilla atm, wouldnt mind to find a few good mods*not OP* My rockets run out of power before they get to the mun*and more rockets = more power needed to make orbit so less fuel in each rocket cause of the fuel used to get there is more cause of the ships weight* Any hints for a newbie on getting to the mun, and good mods?
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