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Everything posted by TOPping

  1. So many crushed dreams... I will try that out on my next build but so far this ship is working okay: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3jFbb_yt_0c (Well, not really but atleast it makes it off the runway) I felt it flew pretty good for a ship with no fins, flaps or wings...
  2. I was mucking around and am trying to make a a large, generic Science-Fiction ship in the SpacePlane hanger. For the central structure of the ship I had planned on using a Tri-Coupler like this; http://imgur.com/a/WMIU5 to make up the spine of the ship. However as you can see the Tri-Coupler at the back of the ship only attaches itself to 1 of the 3 pieces that make up the spine and the other 2 are left flapping about. This was my first attempt: http://i.imgur.com/2Egq2.jpg Amazingly that 'thing' can actually produce enough thrust to get airborne and only crashes due to incorrect weight distribution. Unfortunately about 60% of the time it blows to pieces on the runway due to the Tri-Couplers behaving in the way I described above which then results in this: http://i.imgur.com/U8niJ.jpg http://i.imgur.com/i0jPy.jpg Which then leads to this: http://i.imgur.com/B9MIZ.jpg http://i.imgur.com/Zy1RV.jpg I assume this is because the Tri-Couplers were never programmed to work this way? Or is it a bug or something wrong on my end? If they are meant to work like this how do I do it because I really don't want to have a ship littered with Strut Connectors
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