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Everything posted by Firartix

  1. Those were on first stage already <.< W/E my issue was just lack of SAS, i guess one module for a whole big launcher isnt enough After a little bit of try/error i managed to get my first orbit, which also somehow happened to be almost perfect (< 1 m/s vertical) around 60km altitude (aimed for 40) after very slight modification using micro-engine.. Deployed parachute during orbit, but in the end, i used micro-engine to deorbit and got back on ground without too much problem (well... excepting how the capsule exploded after a parachute 5 m/s landing.... still not explaining it) Btw um, how exactly can you know about the perigee and apogee values? Do a full orbit and manually look at distance? (well i guess in my case they were pretty same, but i cant get to reproduce a clean orbit...)
  2. Hey, nice mod! I installed this on mah rocket just now, and attained my first orbit and deorbited with it. (That's just about how it's cool, even noobs can use it) Since it was a very little bit off (dunno how i managed that, i pretty much went to 60km and flown horizontal... wanted to hit 40km orbit >.<), the micro engine allowed me to make a neat orbit correction for it to be very stable (<1 m/s, could keep it perfect with engine thrust, but i wanted to keep fuel for deorbiting) After a couple minutes, i decided to try to deorbit, althought this could mean the death of my astronauts (parachute deployed in orbit when i detached carry stage to enable the microengine) Aimed at 'some mark' on navball (the parachute direction helped me find it ) and fired all the fuel i had from 2300 back to 1800m/s Then it hit atmosphere, reentry, parachute somehow held (even though i entered at 1500+m/s.... i want same for real!), and i hit the ground at 6m/s on a very stable position (on the microengine thrusters)... BUT THEN WHAT?!! oO As the engine hit the ground, it detached and made the pod go kaboom. If you can explain me what happened ...
  3. Hm, i cant get to orbit :/ Lacking of fuel to get the full burn to the horizontal orbit speed, i really cant go faster than 500 m/s I believe my problem is the payload, but i cant get to make very big rockets - i seriously fail at atmospheric maneuvering somehow (rocket start going circle 'n stuff, and the more i try to correct it the worse it get) So i tried to build a perfectly stable rocket that could fly upward without any intervention (boosters balancing!) other than stage dropoff and cruise speed control to get around orbiting range. Ends up around 40km with 1/3 of fuel.... but.... 3 engines and 3 tanks. That might be the problem i guess, makes the rocket too heavy maybe? So i tried putting an extra solid booster on last stage for orbit, but it breaks the whole rocket balance... also adds enough weight to make reaching 40km with liquids this way almost impossible Screenshot of my current rocket => http://img84.imageshack.us/img84/193/stablerocket.png What kind of design should i be using? :/
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