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Everything posted by leviathen

  1. I want to implement a great explosion effect that I found on the asset store. I've got it working in editor. The way it works is by attaching C# scripts to an empty game object. These scripts generate FX's. One instantiate an animated volumetric explosion. Others instantiate empty game objects that they then apply shaders to that create FX's such as shock waves. Or, they generate a particle systems that make sparks or debris. I'm just having trouble getting it working in KSP. These are my problems: 1. How to export a shader 2. How to export a script that is attached to a game object as a .mu or .prefab if that even works. 3. What exactly is a .mu? 4. how to reference a prefab. 5. How to allow the script a reference to the compiled shader. Currently it gets its reference via this line of code Shader.Find("Hidden/PyroTechnix/Shockwave") and use it to make a public Material. Will this still work? I really appreciate any help with any of these questions.
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