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Everything posted by BuzzKerman

  1. It takes less deltaV to land on and return from Gilly than it does to/from Mun. So get out there!
  2. Gilly. The first thing I landed on other than Kerbin, Mun, and Minmus, was Gilly. I figured I'd start *small*, and work my way up.
  3. PLEASE add children's sizes to the current lineup? My 4yr old boy would LOVE a Kerbal shirt!
  4. dynamically sizeable fuel tanks. The diameter can be fixed, and selectable from the parts lists, but you would be able to adjust length according to your mission profile.
  5. Fine by me. Updates soon, but I'll start a new thread...
  6. I started this guy the day before 0.17 was released. I'm figuring some things out as I go, which makes it slow going - not to mention work/overtime, family, and other projects taking priority. Here's the album: http://imgur.com/a/dHyuh The plan is to have multiple faces and posed limbs, cast in resin, combined, and painted to make several Kerbal figures. Remaining obstacles are: making the clear visors, finishing the interlocking helmet rings, sculpting the master helmet and EVA pack, and making molds of everything! Then I'll have Kerbal 'kits', basically, that will need to be assembled and painted. Lots more work to go...
  7. Are you seeing your ship's shadow on the Munar surface as you land? If not, it's a real bitch to set down on the surface. Fix that first. If you are, then be aware that the surface level changes depending on where you're putting down. I tend to slow my descent to <10m/s when I'm ~3km up, and look for my shadow to get a more accurate read of my altitude. When I'm landing near other craft/debris, the distance to that debris tells me my altitude above ground level.
  8. I got down to 2km from the munar surface, very low descent rate, and messed up my staging, so the only way to save poor Seanvis was to EVA and land, which worked wonderfully, with plenty of EVApack fuel left for him to jet the 2km distance over to the munolith (my original landing target). Wouldn't recommend trying it all the way from orbit, though.
  9. In 0.16, when I stack one kerbal on top of another, it gives me a 'distance' to the lower kerbal as 0.9m. Considering the imprecise collision of the two (top kerbal's feet penetrate the lower kerbal's helmet slightly), I think it's safe to say they're 1.0m tall, from ground to the top of their helmets.
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