Anyhow after fooling around a bit I decided to give building a long range plane a chance. Keeping is short this is what I got. It's the Mk.2 (lot's of pictures!) This is my plane it takes of from the runway like a plane. Not that pretty anyways. Notice the jetisoned fuel tanks on the rear of the airplane. It's cruising speed is 300-400 m/s at 10km-15km with the jetisoned fuel tank full and attached to the plane. This is the same plane with the fuel tank jetisoned. It's cruising speed exceeds 500 m/s at an alttitued of 13-18km aprox. (Notice I lost my rear delta wings when I jetisoned the fuel tanks, oops! The plane was still very much controllable. MORE PICTURES! On my last fuel tank. Initiate GLIDING PRODECURE. Notice that the mission time is at 48 minutes and 7 seconds! My position on the map when still airborne and gliding. Approaching my landing spot! Notice the mission time is 1 hour 4 minutes and 1 second. I have been gliding for aproximatly 16 minutes! Perfect landing without a single mishap! touched the ground going around 40 m/s at a 5ish degree angle. I almost made it half way around the planet and certainly 1/3 of the way My final resting position on the map. It was by far the most entertaining build and flight I ever went trough even tho it may seem booring flying a plane in a straight line for an hour :] My goal now is to build a plane that is capable of taking of at Kerbal space station going at 90' angle and returning back to the station from the other direction. In essence circling the globe at the equator! Will post a pic or two if I make it. Also, still on .16