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    Part-Time Kerbonaut

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  1. I like the idea - how about that you could spawn vehicles at flag-positions? A additional constraint could be that the flag position had to be on "Kerbal Space Center" (not "Administration building" or "Grasslands"). With this everybody could (once) define his/her spawning positions for him/herself.
  2. As soon as I have time I will properly report it with reference to this thread here. Thanks again, Val would have been very angry with me (she is waiting on the Mun at the moment because she somehow ran short on fuel )
  3. That has solved the problem! Thank you very much sal_vager! And only because I finally managed to mark my KSC with a flag to find it easily... Is this worth a bug report or already a known issue? Because it can really cripple a save-file and nothing indicates that using ">" or "<" can lead to such problems. In retrospect it is kind of clear when the file is somhow XML-formatted, nevertheless should the GUI prevent such things. -- edit: How can I mark this thread as solved?? -- edit2: Some kind moderator has already done the work! Thank you too!
  4. Hello, sorry for the delay - I had no more time yesterday. The link to the save directory https://www.dropbox.com/sh/tubvxaqnxelbr4k/AABM0Ug0MRU6u62rMd3u95hua?dl=0 The link to the KSP.log (is there any more?) https://www.dropbox.com/s/nqqm8ld2b730exp/KSP.log?dl=0 I deleted the old log and made a new one - I only did the folllowing things: - Start game - Load savegame - Open VAB - Go back to KSC - Click on Science building Then the game hung again (and the only thing I could do was to go to the main menu back). My game Version is 1.02 - Linux 64 bit. Thanks again.
  5. Hello, I have a Career-game that is running for some time. When I tried to exchange some fresh science the whole KSC-scene gets unresponsive and I had to kill the game (that has already worked a couple of times). When I start the game again I can go to the save, even enter some buildings (I tried the VAB and the tracking station) but as soon as I want to enter the science building the game hangs. Now I even can go back to the main menu and exit the game. Going back to main menu and starting the save again directly does not work, I have to exit the whole game. Any ideas what happened and how to solve it (ah - its Xubuntu 64bit btw). Thanks in advance, Dyson
  6. I'm pretty sure you have to go there first - otherwise RoverDude's assumption that it would need 2 months to find them would be quite strange.
  7. Is this still an open question? Mhmm - my best bet(s) would be: - Some kind of quick reference of the keys or - Something like "Tip of the day" or - A help button with tips for each situation or - A "tie-in" of the KSP-wiki. All of them would be possible in a few coding-hours (especially for the head-developer) and would help EXTREMELY for new players (heck, I also always have to look up some of the keys)... -- edit -- Oh, and a user manual of some kind is clearly missing!
  8. Hi, shouldn't it be "bada55" - also totally valid HEX
  9. Hello everybody. I also tried to solve Slashy's riddle. My small input is: It does not help to substitute the Hex-Codes with the help of the ASCII-Table, because "AA" would already fall into "Extended ASCII" and therefore a little useless (because not standardized). If we assume the answer is "FIVE" or "Five" or "five" only 4 letters are needed! That would make: 0x5566AA = f/F 0x5566DB = i/I 0x4AA9AA = v/V 0x955955 = e/E But how and why?
  10. Ok - that seems plausible. Thought being out of atmosphere should be enough. Thanks Ziff, I'll mark this thread as solved.
  11. Hi there, I just started with a new career in 0.90 (Linux). 1st Mission, 2 Contracts, Jeb piloting: Successfully launched a missile + set the 5000m record. Ship + Jeb recovered --> Jeb got XP (his log updated). 2nd Mission, 2 Contracts, Jeb piloting: 11000m record + left atmosphere. Ship + Jeb recovered near Space Center. --> Jeb did not get XP (his log unchanged). 3rd Mission, 2 Contract (ORBIT, part testing): Orbit failed (but left atmo), part testing successful, Ship + Jeb recovered. --> Jeb did not get any XP (his log unchanged). Ok, I do not understand - I thought we should send the Kerbals at places they had not been. "Out of atmosphere" is IMHO one of them. Did I understand something wrong or is it a Bug?
  12. That is a great idea how my suggestion could be included. There would only be a checking subroutine needed if all used parts are already unlocked. Should not be too complicated and extremely helpful.
  13. Hi everyone, I often see the question/suggestion that some "internal simulation" feature would be nice. Even more often the answer is: "A simulation inside a simulation (game) is somehow stupid...". Well, both points are valid, but most people forget: we have an internal testing-site: SANDBOX-mode. I often use it for such testing purposes. Today it occured to me: Why can't I transfer my designs from one save to the other - IN GAME? I know it is possible to fiddle in the directories and copy'n'paste a design from save A to B - but it would be better if that was possible inside the game - maybe with an additional check if the necessary parts are already unlocked (if transferring to a career-file). And in addition to that maybe a "quick save game changer"-feature to switch between two specific save-games (in my example a career and a sandbox-file) I hope I made my point clear, it is just a small suggestion for making a perfect game even more perfect (if that is possible).
  14. Hi sal_vager, thank you very much for the support - that did the trick. Everything looks good now (I did not fly but only looked if my problems were gone - so maybe I'll be back later). The strange thing: I even tried to chmod 755 every file in every subfolder (I already had the feeling that it could be a permission problem). Can you tell me were the difference to "LC_ALL=C" is?
  15. First: Thanks for the Linux-Version but is it me or does it always have the stranges bugs? I encountered some strange problems in (KSP 0.24 / x86_64 / Xubuntu 14.04): - I can not load saves (even new ones do not appear again) - I do not see the green connection nodes in VAB and most strange - If I take on one contract it disapears and I can take it on again (and I even get the funds)... Any ideas?
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