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Everything posted by Tumuel

  1. It's not actually going to be the full release is it? I was under the impression that it is going to be Beta 1.0 ,because the dev team thought that the last update was not really grand enough to justify calling it 1.0, hence the 0.9 thing (something along those lines anyway...).
  2. The sounds that the engines in the game currently make are sub-optimal, white noise is not very interesting to listen to and I feel that you would get a much better feeling if you could listen to something more impressive as the rocket launches (I want to feel like I am actually piloting a 100 ton rocket, not an out of tune radio). The smaller engines that make a different noise are worse in my opinion, if is not only underwhelming in that it sounds like the rocket is scraping along the side of a building, but it is also an annoying noise to listen to (like scraping something along the side of a building), it makes my ears sad.
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