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Everything posted by astrosammy

  1. Hey! It\'s Artlav from O-F! Nice way to get to the moon. I always tried to land two fueltanks + engine on the Mun, but was unable to build a good launch vehicle with vanilla parts. I didn\'t think about just using RCS. Very usefull! And I never got that return to Kerbin right, nice rule of thumb. Maybe even the landing plate could be replaced by a SAS or fins to make a 100% vanilla vehicle?
  2. All those parts are very usefull, but some parts seem to have a huge impact on the framerate for me. I don't have this problem with any other add-ons. Here are the parts: Escape Tower 4X-800 Engine Cluster K2-X NERVA Yawmaster-2000 Maybe there's something fromg with the meshes? Strangely some other add-on parts that have higer mesh file sizes don't have this problem. And it looks like no one else has this problem... :'(
  3. Well, even with a small planet it takes a long time to complete an orbit. But there's a nice workaround to let the time run up to 20 times faster. As this could cause crashes I'll post it here as a spoiler... First, you need a tool named Cheat Engine available at http://www.cheatengine.org/.After Installation, start Cheat Engine and KSP. Go to Cheat Engine and press the button in the top left corner ('Select a process to open') (Be careful, strange things may happen if you do this with an important system process). Find KSP and press 'Open'. Now check the box 'Enable Speedhack' on the right side of the window. Enter a number from 1 to 20 and press 'Apply'. Done!
  4. astrosammy


    So I finally had the time to register here! Some of you may know me from Orbiter Forum... [glow=black,2,300]Hail Probe![/glow]
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