NOW INTROUDUCING Kerbin Galactic's newest member of the spacecraft family. This surely 'Destined to Become Legend' Spaceplane is a one-of-a-kind new type of craft that looks like something that came from a somewhat recently released sci-fi first-person shooter videogame. With a speed of just over 400 m/s and the Kerbin Galactic signature turning stability of a flying semi truck, this craft is guarenteed get you to where you need to go in a hurry *as long as it is in a straight line*. MuMech/MechJeb required Unbreakabe Joints, No Crash Damage, and Ignore Max Heating cheats recommended. Completely useless landing gear included. Made completely from stock parts. Note from manufacturer: Try to not land. The craft may have a tendency to fall apart and/or parts may explode. Downloads will eventually be available.