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Noticeably FAT

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Everything posted by Noticeably FAT

  1. A glitch (terrain, I suspect) induced violent disassembly. Bill was standing on the lander after repacking the chutes. I switched to a rover to start bringing Bob back (Bob was unfortunately lost in a tragic face/terrain interfacing indecent after his EVA pack ran out of juice). I switched back to the lander, and Bill went for a ride. G'by, Bill.
  2. I don't suppose that was found buried under the ice at the south pole...
  3. It's great for pushing heavy payloads around the Kerbin system.
  4. I don't know about greatest, but certainly my most satisfying achievements were my launch/rendezvous/dock/return missions done from 100% IVA and 100% map.
  5. Any society that has evolved a quicksave/restore function has evolved away their conscience. There are only two crimes on the books on Kerbin, neglecting to occasionally hit F5 (punishable by death), and failure to make your death look awesome (punishable by making you do it over until Jeb approves).
  6. "Roger that, Langer. We have Jeb here, he said to tell you that if it fell off, it wasn't important."
  7. You can also remap staging to something else. I found it way to easy to accidentally hit space, so stage is now enter.
  8. I've been building big for so long, I'd completely forgotten just how satisfying a small vessel can be to fly. I just landed a tiny (for my standards) probe on the mun as a target for an eventual base, and man was it easy to fly. Turned when I wanted it to turn, never even thought about shaking itself apart (with 2 struts), more dV than I knew what to do with, I turned my head to sneeze and it was in orbit... I may have to do this more often.
  9. I get the Big Three quite often. Take a look at the screenshot, is the kerbal smiling in a rocket that isn't sitting on the pad? It's probably Jeb.
  10. I'm pretty sure the Editor Tools mod makes the VAB taller.
  11. Jeb enjoying the hell out of his space scooter It works well, but it doesn't have enough juice to run MechJeb for long. Should be an easy fix with some solar panels though.
  12. Sorry if this has been posted before, I went back through the thread a little bit and didn't see it. I have a ship that is not liking MJ at all. I got the ascent module to get it into orbit, but now that it's there MJ doesn't want to control it. Any Smart A.S.S. input doesn't work until I 1) turn on RCS and 2) use some sort of control input (joystick or keyboard). It then works fine until I turn RCS off. I know it's not the 'locked in position' bug, as the control indicators don't move. MJ just doesn't want to do anything until I turn on RCS and try to turn the ship myself. It also occasionally doesn't like to use the roll and yaw controls with the ascent autopilot. I did some playing around in the VAB, and it seems that not having a pod as the root part is throwing for a loop. I did some part swapping (disconnecting everything from the root, deleting the root, adding a new root then replacing the rest of the ship), and as long as the root part was a pod everything works fine. As soon as I used something else (I tried some of the structural girders, and one of the stack decouplers), it wigs out on me.
  13. I did that a couple times when I was testing to see if rendezvous/docking is possible from IVA and the map views. It was tolerable as I was busy for much of the flight, but any more than that wouldn't be that fun for me.
  14. If you aren't opposed to mods, Crew Manifest will make your moving/managing tasks a lot easier. You can add/remove crew while on the pad (which is gonna come in handy in .20, what with crewable pods being crewed when you don't want them to be), and transfer crew members between pods.
  15. Breath in steadily (yes, a breathing exercise. Just hang with me for a minute here) for a four count. It doesn't have to be four seconds, but it should be close. Don't air gauge this, COUNT. Out loud, in your head, whatever, but say the numbers. One, two, three, four. Hold it for a second or so. Now release, one, two, three, four. If you go to fast, get a hitch in your breathing, whatever, just let it out and start over. One, two, three, four, hold... one, two, three, four. Don't try to calm yourself down, don't try to think about how this mumbo jumbo can't work, don't go for a bunch of rapid deep breaths, just focus on counting it out. This isn't some sort of ancient Chinese secret or some new-age healer snake oil, it's just a neat physiological trick to slow your pulse and lower your blood pressure (albeit briefly). After you've tried it once or twice take your pulse at your neck, you can actually feel it happening, it's pretty neat. Now, that's just the physical part. The sweet thing that happens when you rapidly lower your pulse and blood pressure is you get this nice little calm going. Even if it's just a couple seconds, that's more than enough to do what you have to do to talk yourself out of being pissed. That part's on you. By the way, this works beyond anger. I do it all the time while riding my motorcycle, nearly getting run over is an excellent way to get your heart rate up, and being all adrenalized and twitchy is an excellent way to get hurt in traffic. So, someone cuts me off one two three four pause one two three four and I'm right back to making good decisions. Well, good relative to thinking that piloting a few hundred pounds of motor in the midst of tons of inattentive roll cages was a good decision in the first place.
  16. Well, I got: Old School (50): don't use mechjeb to autopilot your ship One Small Step (50): reach a stable orbit around Kerbin Another Giant Leap (50): return to kerbin Making Friends (200): Rendevous with another ship and maybe Now You're Just Showing Off (250): dock with another, separately launched ship The ship I docked with was launched from IVA in the end (final test of the timing), but I didn't record that. So, 350 or 600.
  17. It's not so much a bug as it's just how the game works and that combination of parts was overlooked. The engines use the mass of parts near them to bleed off excess heat, so if there is nothing close by they can't do that. That measurement is made from the COM of the part, and as it happens the jumbo tank's COM is outside the range the engine looks at, so the engine doesn't see it as a heatsink (even though it ought to be about the best part for that purpose). There is a mod out there that adds heatsink parts, but since adding small tanks works fine (even the smallest 2m tank will let you run your mainsails at 95% without blowing up) I don't use them. That's how I understand the problem anyway, if that's wrong please let me know.
  18. So, Editor Tools are apparently broken in .20. Fine, I can deal with that. What I can't deal with is parts snapping to the center of parts when snapping to angles. Is there any way to shut that down?
  19. That's pretty much it. I'm using TightVNC, the server runs at home and I have viewers on my work machine, phone and tablet. At work I just run the viewer, enter my login info and I have a window that looks like my laptop screen.
  20. I was checking in on something else at home from work just a few minutes ago, and I notice that .20 is out. So, it's now downloading and will be waiting for me when I roll in later. Woo hoo!
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