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Everything posted by UBERGEEK

  1. http://www./?yef5ov9uf7i73cu Improve version with cruise stage. Cruise vehicle separation
  2. http://www./?0av6anbncdpp1ha Mods I use. I don't use stock parts. There's a nice Delta II rocket, the Aeroshell inside the fairing contains the lander. quabits_ksp_parts Payload Pack v1.01 NovaPunch1_3alpha MMI.S - v1.0 MechJeb_1.9.1 DownUnder_AUSPLANE_HD_Textures
  3. http://img820.imageshack.us/img820/1379/landery.jpg Ready for Duna!
  4. Gee.. I'm not sure, how do I find out?, I just got the game and downloaded the NovaPunch yesterday. I use the rocket to put satellites in orbit, I haven't tried putting a maned capsule yet.
  5. I just finished this rocket using the NovaPunch. What do you think?
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