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Everything posted by JohnM_83

  1. Thank you VERY much! I'm extremely grateful: just like all suggested - ALT while placing did the trick with Clamp-o-trons and separators, also re-rooting to the correct node in sub-assembly helped a great deal :).
  2. Hi everyone, I have been playing KSP for quite a long time now, let's say that for my first Mun landing there was only one capsule available, no landing legs and trajectory was planned "start your de-orbiting burn when you see sun just touching the horizon" times. I was quite passionate about the game back then. Recently I had a relapse, and begun playing with SSTOs. And to be frank I'm clueless on the cargo placement in the cargo-bay / cargo-hold (using the larges fuselage). Some times it works, some times it does not: I want to place a satellite with a rocket propelled stage, consisting of probe body, some equipment, clamp-o-tron jr, TR-18D stack separator, one FL-T800 fuel tank and LV-909. I have made it all into one nit assembly part, and the problem begun. It just will not connect to the interior: to the clamp-o-trons, to the separators, when the part snaps in place, its rooted deep inside a fuel filled fuselage part - not even its bulkhead. I have tried re-rooting, moving (it unfortunately stayed rooted and it just was "floating" in the mid air, still being connected. As a last resort, I have tried to rebuild the entire stack in the cargo bay, but it ended up in with similar problems, the funniest one being the engine separating within the separator and leaving a gap in the satellite's placement vehicle. I have searched for some time on info pertaining to this exact problem, but unfortunately couldn't find it on forum / on Scott Manley's channel etc. I would be most grateful for any help on that matter.
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