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Everything posted by lkj802

  1. Please make a space shuttle! not just one part though, make it with the nose cone and a cargo bay that works
  2. cannot wait for this tiberion!!! have you thought of a possible upload date?
  3. seems to be a pretty intresting thread so far, im enjoying just reading over all of your different opinions, in my opinion the shuttle is my favourite craft, purely because i loved the launch sequence especially the insane growl it gave out when its engines lit up. also to me the shuttle is the most stylish rocket/ship to be made just looked so damn cool. continue to post your thoughts though because its so interesting to view over it. lkj802
  4. oh god, im really waiting for sunday punch to hopefully give permission, i NEED this addon to aid my space race against gerbals... the shuttle will help me launch my nuclear sattelites to the mun, and also look amazing whilst doing it. good luck tiberion in getting the licence
  5. hi guys, got a problem im sure it has a simple fix but i am totally clue less, the problem is that my command pods dont have any kerbonauts in them, in the pod description it says that the pods can seat 3 kerbals each, but none of them show any kerbals. the starter pods show the kerbals, but my extra downloaded ones dont, such as the kosmos pod, nova silisko's bace pod, the MEM pod and others, im not sure why this has happened and i dont know how to fix it, i see videos on YouTube and people have the exact same pods but with kerbonauts inside them. the only anomaly is that my DSM pack pods show their kerbals and thats were i really dont understand whats going on. please help me even if you have the smallest advice anything will help. lkj802
  6. any chance of a download link anytime soon? the shuttle is my favourite space craft
  7. what do you think about a mod to make the 3 original kerbals, jeb bill and bob to have the orange suits they have in the icons on the bottom right. im not sure if squad plan to add this to the game in the next few updates. another idea i had was that for the kerbals to perform EVA they would need an airlock/equipment module so they can change into their EVA outfits. any other ideas you can think of that are among this small scale tweeks, post them. lkj802
  8. im generally excited for every planet the same, at the end of the day they are all brand new environments and its going to be one hell of a challenge especially since i can't complete a round trip to minmus yet. lmao
  9. just thought i would start a thread to see different peoples views on different space programmes and different individual rockets. feel free to share your thoughts. lkj802
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