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Everything posted by jayschmi

  1. Absolutely. The US government spent over a trillion bailing out banks. Too bad they didn't redirect 10% of it to create far more jobs.
  2. I thought I'd share some shots of my Laythe Mission Base arriving: And on the surface:
  3. If all the TARP money had gone to NASA, I'd be typing this message on mars right now.
  4. Saves time to read the original post... I said twice that I moved the kerbal myself. To the rest; thanks. I didn't know about that square bracket option. Will try it! Control from here should seem to change which is the "main" pod though....
  5. This strikes me as a bug, but may be a feature request depending on how you look at it. Is there any way to make this work as expected? I have a plane with a test rocket attached.... on the runway, I moved the kerbal from the upper pod to the lower pod. Then I took off. When I stage, he just falls off into oblivion! On the runway, I moved him, then right clicked and selected control from here. Control from here would seem to indicate the ship should be controlled from there, no? Take off: Noooo!
  6. I would love to be able to return to be captured somehow by the launcher, but I couldn't think of any way to do it. I tried the single landing gear - but even 1 is so huge it makes the plane look stupid.
  7. Hi All, I've built a small UAV which is launched from a mobile launcher. I need some advice on how to recover it. All the landing gear included is gigantic, the rover wheels all die over about 30m/s, and I want the plane to remain stock. Any advice on how to capture/recover and/or land this little guy? Thanks! Craft File: Micron
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