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Posts posted by jayschmi

  1. I'm not talking about prestiege. I not talking about "science". I talking about real econimic growth of a nation.

    So was the Apollo Program worth it?

    And if it was, why did we renounce are claim to space. No competition means no mars landing. I would bet that if the "no territory in space treaty", don't know the real name, was renounced we would have over one hundred people prospecting on mars in less than a decade.

    If all the TARP money had gone to NASA, I'd be typing this message on mars right now.

  2. Control from here does not move the kerbal. Is far as I know, it only changes which pod the navball is lined up with.

    I recommend transferring by EVA, or adding the crewmanifest mod.

    Saves time to read the original post... I said twice that I moved the kerbal myself.

    To the rest; thanks. I didn't know about that square bracket option. Will try it! Control from here should seem to change which is the "main" pod though....

  3. This strikes me as a bug, but may be a feature request depending on how you look at it. Is there any way to make this work as expected?

    I have a plane with a test rocket attached.... on the runway, I moved the kerbal from the upper pod to the lower pod. Then I took off. When I stage, he just falls off into oblivion! On the runway, I moved him, then right clicked and selected control from here. Control from here would seem to indicate the ship should be controlled from there, no?

    Take off:




  4. You want the small plane to return to the launcher or just land? Have you tried the landing gears? they are smaller than the rover wheels and can survive high speeds and high impact. Now, returning to the launcher is a whole different problem.

    I would love to be able to return to be captured somehow by the launcher, but I couldn't think of any way to do it. I tried the single landing gear - but even 1 is so huge it makes the plane look stupid.

  5. Hi All,

    I've built a small UAV which is launched from a mobile launcher. I need some advice on how to recover it. All the landing gear included is gigantic, the rover wheels all die over about 30m/s, and I want the plane to remain stock. Any advice on how to capture/recover and/or land this little guy?


    Craft File: Micron




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