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    Bottle Rocketeer

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  1. That's what the last picture is showing. I suppose I could control it from one of the two lander-cans on the side, but I have a feeling that would just make the navball screwy compared to the ship.
  2. Dagnabbit, ya got my name. That will be confusing if we ever meet in real life.
  3. Welcome to ze forums! Honestly, your station is far better than mine and I've been playing this game for years
  4. That IS quite impressive. Now you'll just have to learn how to rendezvous so he can be rescued
  5. *siren* A new challenger approaches! Presenting Avianwolf Industries' first (operational) battleship, the Tribunal Class-Light Variant, MK III! This ship has room for 6 crew, and enough docking ports for weaponry of all shapes and sizes. It's no supercarrier, but it will put a dent in any vessel that challenges it. It's also quite light on lag, at only 137 parts and 76 tons. The bow of the ship. A closer look at the fore of the vessel, you can see the SRB rockets, the front two solar sails and some of the small docking ports. Lots of small hardpoints (16 in total!). You can see the backup control computer here, next to the docking port and 4 nuclear generators. Also, it's only powered by two nuclear engines, so I'd presume it will be a little slow. Oh, and how do I put in spoiler tags, so this post doesn't melt anyone's computer?
  6. Geez, I think you've got the edge in combat here. Also, does the Fr/Co in your ship names stand for anything? I'm sure it's painfully obvious to everyone but me, but I wasn't sure.
  7. If you don't mind, could I get that first flag without any text, or is there a way to edit said text in, say, GIMP? I'll probably use both of those, many thanks!
  8. If you don't mind, I'd like a flag with a blue background, a silver silhouette of an eagle with a sword in its talons flying to the left, and another of a dove holding an SRB flying to the right. Also, if it isn't too crowded, It'd be nice to have some space on the bottom for me to put in text. Thanks in advance!
  9. If the plugin you made makes a line from your ship to the Magic Boulder, why is there a second line going in some random direction?
  10. I'm fairly sure that single white pixel in the distance is the mast, have you looked at that spot?
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