I am unsure if this has been asked or discussed already, so forgive me in advance if it has. I have KSP version with MechJeb version 2.5.3. MechJeb only seems to work some of the time, not all of the time. On my most recent problem, about 10 minutes ago, I had my command pod with an adapter, a medium sized MK3 fuselage for fuel, another adapter then the engine. So basically I have no more stages. Here was my problem, I was already in circularize around Kerbin, and had told MechJeb for the Hohmann maneuver to target planet. On the map it showed all the orbit lines, and when it went to burn, nothing happened, even though I had almost an entirely full tank of fuel. MechJeb *did* throttle all the way up, but there was no engine burn of any fuel. My other problem that I had with MechJeb on a previous run like a week ago, was when I was all set to do a mun encounter. I had already chosen the location on the mun of where I wanted to land. The ship I had built didn't have much fuel left, but it had fuel. When the ship got to the point when MechJeb should have started to burn, it did nothing, and then completely ignored any options I had set for it and went into a Kerbin orbit. So my question is this: Does MechJeb version 2.5.3 work with this version of KSP? If not, is there a known MechJeb version that will work with KSP In early versions of KSP, MechJeb worked like a charm. But now, it doesn't work at all and I'm perplexed as to why. I remember there were specific things that you had to do, according to a Youtube video, such as getting to 200,000, circularize around Kerbin, then in the landing guidance window, pick your landing location, and then MechJeb would take over from there. For me, MechJeb doesn't really do a whole lot, except for getting me into that circular orbit, but when I instruct it to do that Hohmann transfer, nothing happens, and when it goes to full throttle to burn the fuel, no fuel burns, even tho there is fuel in the tank. And the nodes thing, I have no understanding of what any of that stuff is. I know it's meant to do something, but I don't know how to utilize the nodes thing :-/