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Everything posted by tristan63

  1. Also I'll do a weekly poll for witch Addons you'd like to make or download
  2. Explain ideas you've made or want to make just tell me about them and I may download them
  3. Bobcat INC ideas (post if you think it should go into bobcat pack) Ok im Tristan63 and im a Novice in KSP Ive been noticing that Bobcat INC has had alot of things built in the recent months (updated to) and im wondering if we could start a forums to see if these ideas will actually go to Bobcat INC.For instance we post stuff like we want a Saturn V mod for bobcat to add to its recently added American pack.Well we could vote Yes or No to that idea and send it to Bobcat INC.Fell free to post any ideas or suggestions but note this is only something New nothing added recently or later then what this is so if you were gonna suggest a Saturn V it would be fine cause its not added but a Soyuz TMA rocket wouldn't be cause its in there soviet pack.Heres the setup.Dear Bobcat INC id like to see a rocket in(topic=American pack)Hi im wondering if we could add a Saturn v to the American pack (username)(reason/not required) (extra things like city etc).Also i don't have there email so please if you have a link give it to me . Last edited by tristan63; Today at 13:46.
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