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Posts posted by haydn1997

  1. Hello,

    Is it a known issue that the DEMV Mark I disappears after a mission is saved using v0.17? I have sent two DEMV Mark I (v1.01) to DUNA successfully but they disappear with or without kerbals inside them after I save the mission. Any input and/or assistance in this matter is appreciated.

    check the max persistent debris option in the settings menu and increase the value of it

  2. The cage is upside down, the cross bars go against the DROP.

    Place the "cage" first against the DROP. then the ASAS, then the RCS tanks moving outward on the nodes toward the open end.

    The two smaller center nodes are for the ASAS and RCS The large Nodes are for the DROP and two meter launch vehicle.

    The RCS tanks should be centered in the cage, if not flip the tanks over.

    <a href="http://imgur.com/7qdQn"><img src="http://i.imgur.com/7qdQn.jpg" title="Hosted by imgur.com" alt="" /></a>

    Nope, the bars will go red and unplaceable if i try to orient them like that on that end, but they're fine with that if i try on the door end :huh:

  3. Place the double crossbars against the non-door end of the DROP

    Place the ASAS on the closest node to the DROP with the four legs facing the DROP.

    Place the RCS tanks on the next small node, you may have to flip the RCS tanks over depending on the build orientation. The RCS center node should be outward toward the open end of the frame.

    So something like this?


  4. I know it's not the point of the topic but DAMN I want to know what mod that is, too! :D

    They are the DEMV mk1 by Bobcat, the torus (I think :huh:) from supersonic labs and the Alien nostromo and I cant remember who made that but it was in plugin-powered releases from memory

    EDIT: I've also got a landing on Eve from a while back but ran out of fuel so at Eve it shall stay!

  5. Umm how did you get the airlock hatch to work properly? I'm having REAL problems with my starbug cockpit for my Red Dwarf mod. can anyone help?


    I've got it in the game no problem, but I can't open the door, says its obstructed when it clearly isn't.

    I dont so this probably isnt the best advice but maybe move the airlock zone so that None of it collides with Any of the model, it could be blocked by the fact that part of it sits inside the model

  6. Oh noes!

    Jeb,Bob and Bill have been eaten by the space kraken during testing!:0.0:

    But other than that its all going well; just got orbital construction and am launch huge ships filled with nothing but fuel and spare parts and im going to have to redesign the ODST style drop-pods as some prototypes launched from a smaller orbital platform showed that once deployed in their current state they have a bad habit of spinning aimlessly and getting nowhere:rolleyes:

    oh and I'll upload images when i get back from school this afternoon

  7. *posts :P*

    And I'm also currently working on a interplanetary rocket capable of holding 28 kerbals in the main body, can carry up to 8 more in small atmospheric re-entry pods (ODST style), another 3 each in 4 larger landers capable of non-atmospheric re-entry and then ascending to the main craft again, and a currently undetermined amount in re-entry capable (what else?) rovers that will stack on top of the larger landers.

    Jebediah, Bob, and Bill are currently testing the prototypes :cool:

  8. 90 degree inclination (over the poles) and as low as you can go.

    Bonus points if you can tell me why this is so.

    because yes :P

    nah its because as the craft moves up and down the planet/body it covers from pole to pole and the closer it is to the planet/body the more out of synch it becomes with the planet/body's rotation giving optimal coverage over time

    or something like that

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