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Baked Bean

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  1. Hi, does anyone have any waterfall configs for the thrusters they would like to share? Cheers.
  2. Hi, Love the mod found a small bug. Conflicts with Engine Light Mod. Creats a blinding white light from decouplers. Edited Engine Light's decouple config to disable MM loading config and this stops the bright light.
  3. Hi, first I would like to thank you for your mod. I am having an issue with Kis and Collision Fx. When both are installed Collision Fx disables Kis's stack ability in Vab and Sph. Ksp - Fresh Install Latest Version Mods Kis - v1.1.3 Collision FX - v3.2 Module Manager - 2.6.3 Debug Screen below https://drive.google.com/file/d/0BzZKK2zuzSHVSXFIZENTZlJlcEU/view?usp=sharing
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