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    Bottle Rocketeer
  1. Trying this out for further than LKO and possibly interplanetary travel. I tried using the drill both big and normal and neither one would provide any power to the ZO2 system. I put the pointy end twords the ground while on the moon and nothing. Am I doing something wrong? Do I need another plug in?
  2. The (I assume) old radial mounted tanks dont seem to work anymore. I get the "not available in this version of KSP" message when I mouse over. Is there anyway to fix that?
  3. I thought about that but the "How To" section I figured would be my best bet. I will start removing and adding components as necessary.
  4. I am fairly new at this and love it. I have a few questions and comments. As many of you are extremely educated and focused in the field of spacecraft and how this game models them and are also adept at coding and modifying code that has already written, I turn to you for advice. I currently use MechJeb and it helps me considerably. I also have NovaPunch's mod as well (frikkin sweet) and I am attempting to use the PowerTech, RemoteTech, Zoxygen, EPS, and Kethane mods. i congratulate all the men (women?) that have taken the time to write, model, and share these mods. I am having a bit of trouble with the satellite network relay system from The_Duck. I have launched a few satellites into orbit and they are stable and in my tracking center. When I attempt to use the remote capsule I always get an "Out of Contact" on the relay message. When I check the pathway on the map there is no connection to KSC even with serveral satellites in view and oriented properly. I am attempting to use the Powertech Communications Satellite with the auto orient and auto solar panels. Are powertech and remotetech not compatible? Do I need to add a different antenna or dish? Do I need to edit a .cfg file to do this? If I need to edit a .cfg please let me know detailed instructions because I am not as adept as some people with coding. If more information is needed to determine where I am messing up let me know and I will attempt to deliver the necessary intel. Thanks folks! DaGinger This is just my first issue, there will be more to follow... I cant wait for .17!!!
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