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  1. Here's my take on a space station. The structure illustrated by the OP is laid out in a reasonable manner and seems to be assembled with a large degree of common-sense and know-how...which is why it can't work. Part of what would makes this game so satisfying is that we're working with 'Dent & Ding' goods, the stuff that was tossed away by people smart enough to realize how insane it would be to even try using it. We then take this broken stuff and use it to build things considered crazy and dangerous even with the best technology--and even occasionally succeed! For a space station to work, it has to have the Junkyard Wars mindset. Spent 2 and 3m stages make great labs, hallways, and storage space. Need crew quarters? A whole bunch of broken command modules duct taped together would be adequate. And if you can't seem to find something, 'find' something. What's easier than using stuff already up there? Nobody's going to miss one solar array or comms dish. That satellite was only working at half-capacity, and those people in Kafrica needed to take a break from all that TV, anyway. Backups were created to help the needy! 8) Edit: Point of reference
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