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Yuri Kargarin

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Everything posted by Yuri Kargarin

  1. I second every single word of this just for the hopes of seeing a kerbal version of the tardigrade(water bear) to be able to be put in vaccum then recollected
  2. Season Finale of Insane Planes, we go to Jool http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VDA7jB06oUU
  3. How to:land in KSP http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6Pe89XV5vOE
  4. Welcome!! May the thrust be ever in your favor:D
  5. Welcome fellow Kerbonaut! Also, HOORAY FOR OPTIMIZATIONS
  6. Well in the stock game planes can be pretty crazy, like this http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qmysi5TziyM
  7. I just name them by how I feel fit, sometimes by famous scientists/philosophers or Mocks of other IRL spacecraft (ie. Voyager=Traveller)
  8. Welcome, keep playing KSP and always share your failures, and more so with your successes. May the thrust be ever in your favor.
  9. New video, what to do with your dead kerbal explorers http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Or5-GmFmDZI
  10. *sniff* it's okay man, I couldn't deal with it either, eventually, it'll hurt less =(
  11. First ever channel trailer! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o0b4KX5nNow
  12. Been playing KSP since .15, we've come so far and so many new people have come, it makes me glad
  13. New Insane Planes episode http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HLoyZIIsirQ&feature=c4-overview&list=UUd_Og2pB-8HyOsO6_GSayJg
  14. Well, I figured I might as well, I was getting some messages saying I should.
  15. Well, after a while I'd figure I'd make this after some videos, even though I won't solely do KSP videos. I will post about my KSP videos here. Firt post: INSANE PLANES EP: 6 "The Cube" http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qmysi5TziyM
  16. Also, I am still taking suggestions for planes, send them in, even if your 100% sure it won't work, I will try to make it work.
  17. Hope you all enjoy http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OJblei2Omx0
  18. I kept getting asked so here is the fourth episode. Don't forget to like and subscribe http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MUSWwPOF_dU
  19. lol, guess I could try and build that, thanks for the new idea for episode 4! I have to think of a name now. SO MANY IDEAS!
  20. Well, we're at 3 now, and I'm starting to run out of ideas. Suggestions welcome! Enjoy the vid, don't forget to like and subscribe! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1tLu-mvyO_Q
  21. yeah, my vids usually aren't that laggy, I'm not sure why it did that though, wasn't that bad when I was editing too.
  22. Sorry! I should have noticed! here it is http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f1Oi92dLx4g
  23. I saw the thread about "what did you do in KSP today" So I decided to make a silly little video for it. Hope you all enjoy.
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