Inspired by kurtjmac's
video, i wanted to try this myself too.So i created this It has 14 extra fueltanks, flies fine with just 2 of the 5 engines, extra engines are just for takeoff. Total Fuel it carryes is 6975l I made it to North pole with just the extra tanks, but i only flew in low atmosphere so it took way more fuel than it would if id flown higher up, i glided about 30km (i have a wreck there) before the start of North pole to about the middle of it, well with power at 1 and two engines on to have better controll.. glides really well imho... it might go around the world if carefull...need to test that =)) I have a bigger version of this, but due to issue of fps dropping to unplayable (im assuming because too much stuff on on the screen) and runway being way too short i cant fly it. ps. i would attach the .craft but i dont have access. The suggested Pastebin just stores text, unless the .carft is just text i dont see how its supposed to work... oh.. it does. just remove the .txt at the end of the file and all should be golden.