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Zesty Donut

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Everything posted by Zesty Donut

  1. Don't worry guys! I heard the devs have/are going to resolved it in .20! I'm not sure what they will do but they said reduced loading times by a huge amount!
  2. Hey everyone! My name is Zesty Donut and uh well I have been playing kerbal for quite sometime now but never used the forums. I'm looking forward to becoming part of the community now and being able to gain help and help others here. I've recently looked into coding plugins and such. Uh well yeah I hope to major in astronomy and I dunno what else to say but yeah I know quite a bit about both the game and astronomy so I'm here to help!
  3. Hey guys! Well my friend is a producer and DJ( he's 16) and I feel like I needed to share this. It's a Clarity - Zedd remix. Any suggestions on any other track similar just post them below. I need more music like this. http://soundcloud.com/shademusic-1-syke/zedd-clarity-syke-remix
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