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Everything posted by comando222

  1. I have to agree with rusty, it would be great to have it.It is indeed a lot of work, but a lot of people would like it
  2. I wish you good luck with everything, the more you work on something, the better it gets
  3. That rover looks great!Good job!I hope to take it on a Mun ride in the future 8)
  4. Sorry, just forgot to put it in spoiler.Won\'t happen again.
  5. That looks like its almost one, when you finish work on configs, could you make it an early beta release, or late alpha?
  6. If you can\'t launch it manually, try MechJeb, it helps a lot with this pack.
  7. Looks good for a first, going to try it out later today
  8. That actually looks good, and with the planes we have now, it would be interesting to launch it
  9. Kaj nas je vise to bolje, sretno i tebi, ali bez eksplozija nije to isto 8)
  10. E pa, nikad neznaš, možda se baš na?u ljudi, samo nitko ne gleda na ovaj dio foruma.
  11. Ma kako nebi bilo dobro, mi smo svi isti, bra?a slaveni ;D
  12. I am interested in the Ariane 7, that sounds interesting.Hope that one gets a few more votes, and the tank works great, still seems to have a bit too much fuel, I managed to get in orbit with it, and still had a lot of fuel left.
  13. Well, at least we know that you still think about this.There is always hope
  14. When is the estimated time this might be finished?Is it within 0.15 or after the 0.16 update?Great work so far, keep it up ;D
  15. With 0.15 out, will this be updated?
  16. Wow, that animation looks great, can\'t wait till it\'s out.I hope it will be during the next few weeks ???
  17. Welcome to the forum, this looks good for a first.Good luck in the future ;D
  18. That leg looks fantastic, can\'t wait till it is out with 0.15.Keep up the good work
  19. Download it here: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/20340764/Soyuz%20Rebalanced.zip The link does not work, when I download it tells me that the file is corrupt, I tried to re download but same thing.
  20. That planet actually looks really good, well everything you do is great 8)
  21. How about a station part which has a machine gun on it, like the Salyut-3, it would just look cool and prepare us for the great Kerbal war for space ;D
  22. Dear God!Can\'t wait till this comes out I hope we get a nice rocket to lift it with.
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